New Ohio Law Allows Rate Reduction for 16-Year-Old Drivers

April 20, 2007

A recent changes in Ohio’s Graduated Driver License law, will allow a rate reduction for 16-year-old drivers. The reduction will be made available to new policyholders beginning June 1, 2007, according to Columbus-Ohio-based Grange Mutual Casualty Group.

The new rate reduction lowers the rates for 16-year-olds to match the rates applied to 17-year-olds. The biggest reduction of close to five percent will be noticed for single male principal operators. The rate change could save these drivers up to $200 per year, the Grange statement explained.

Ohio House Bill 343, which took effect April 6, places stricter limits on the number of passengers teens can transport and the hours during which they can drive.

— Probationary driver license holders under the age of 17 will not be permitted to operate a motor vehicle with more than one person who is not a family member in the vehicle unless accompanied by the license holder’s parent, guardian or legal custodian.

— Probationary license holders under the age of 17 and permit holders under the age of 18 are prohibited from driving between midnight and 6 a.m. unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

— If a probationary driver license holder under the age of 17 is convicted of having committed one moving violation during the first six months of having a driver license, the person must be accompanied by a parent or guardian whenever operating a motor vehicle during the six-month period commencing on the date on which the person is convicted of or pleads guilty to the moving violation, or until the person attains the age of 17.

Source: Grange Insurance

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