FBI Targets Insurers in Widening Fraud Probe; Industry Responds

May 5, 2005

  • May 5, 2005 at 7:05 am
    anonymous says:
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    I worked for the FBI many years ago in their forensic accounting division. After that I went to work in the insurance industry for a quieter and less stressful life. I have worked for 3 mid-size agents in the past 15 years that would certainly be prosecuted if ever investigated. I have not met one “HONEST” insurance agent that handles fiduciary funds according to the state laws. Now, I’m not saying you’re bad people but you must admit that if the FBI starts to probe where they’ve never probed before, they will certainly have a field day. Most FBI investigations on insurance agents are due to the details that very unhappy ex-employees offer. So don’t be so naive as to thinking that the FBI doesn’t understand insurance accounting. I for one can find fraud in a matter of 10 minutes on an agents P&L & Balance Sheet. The next few years will be about this industry and after that they’ll pick another industry. Years ago the public accounting industry had its “BIG 8” now its called the “Final 4”. So,Lead an honest as possible life as you can and you’ll be able to sleep well every night.

  • May 5, 2005 at 8:12 am
    Johnny says:
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    If this helps in the equation of fictious Insurance Company reportedly established in 1933.

    Nature of Political Relationship with the United States

    Saudi Arabia’s unique role in the Arab and Islamic worlds, its possession of the world’s largest reserves of oil, and its strategic location make its friendship important to the United States. Diplomatic relations were established in 1933; the U.S. Embassy opened in Jeddah in 1944 and moved to Riyadh in 1984. The post in Jeddah became a U.S. Consulate. A U.S. Consulate also opened in Dhahran in 1944.

  • May 5, 2005 at 12:27 pm
    Good news, bad news says:
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    So the good news is that the industry is being investigated by the FBI for other fraudulent practices; the bad news is to what degree do the FBI agents in this investigation have knowlege of the workings and accounting practices of the insurance industry?

  • May 5, 2005 at 12:48 pm
    mike f says:
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    Doesn’t the FBI have more important things to do with it’s time?….like national security?…

  • May 5, 2005 at 1:00 am
    Jack Webb says:
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    The comment above, that the FBI doesn’t have adequate knowledge of insurance industry accounting principles, is naiive at least. The FBI has numerous forensic accountants with vast experience in all types of businesses. So, why would you assume they don’t have any knowledge of insurance accounting practices simply because it uses SAP rather than GAAP for regulatory oversight accounting?

    Further, FBI forensic accountants have numerous techniques, unknown to insurance accounting pros, which may be beneficial in detecting the discrepancies and corruption much more efficiently than employing state regulatory authority audit techniques.

  • May 5, 2005 at 1:19 am
    Chris says:
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    Maybe I’m seeing more than there is, but is the sudden interest of the FBI a sign that the Federal government is going to make a run at taking over insurance regulation, with the FBI’s results, if there are any, “proof” that a “patchwork of state regulatory agencies” can’t see the big picture?

  • May 5, 2005 at 1:19 am
    Greed says:
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    What else are the FBI gonna find?
    The industry is already writting off Billions in accounting errors. It will just raise the price of insurance and the public will have to pay for others wrong doings as the employees of the companies do already.
    It is A SHAME that the industry is having to endure this SHAME due to coorporate greed! Why arent the CEO’s held accountable and the share holders watching the companies…too busy seeing a good return on their investments, well Enron, worldcom………now insurancecom?
    Its not the midline managers faults its not the agents faults its a few at the top that make the rules and cooperate policies and coorperate culture, that make it bad and leave the mess for others to pick up when those that caused it get a golden chute…not fair or ethical! When is this gonna end in what industry?
    If there was no need the FBI would not be invloved! If there is nothing there, then no worries. This is not a matter or national security but of that of all of the millions of poilcy holders that the cooperate insurance compaines get paid from.

  • May 5, 2005 at 1:24 am
    John Diesel says:
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    I am sure there is fraud going on. But,
    when will they investigate(Mr. Spitzer) the
    insurance fraud among attorneys and slip
    & falls. We can give them hundreds of
    files to review.

    What happens with these cases is legalized
    extortion and is putting people out of

    The planet can be a dangerous place watch
    where your walking. It is your fault if you
    fall down not some business owner. It makes me sick what the attorneys get away
    with and the government just looks the other way. Except of course for your token
    case here and there.

  • May 5, 2005 at 1:49 am
    Small Potatoes says:
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    The FBI is mearly acknowledging and accepting the “invitation” to the “party” that the “big brokers” and their “complicit carriers” extended with their fraudulent follies. The FBI doesn’t want to be denied any of the “fun”. But, alas, the party will soon be over… LET THEM EAT THE CAKE.

    I just hope the ill deeds of the “partiers” won’t ruin it for the professionals.

    I’m happy to see the PEO industry under scrutiny. This “industry” (work comp delivery system) circumvents many of the regulations and professional protocals that are inherent within the standard (work comp delivery system)which are institued to protect the consumer and promote actuarily sound risk placment and pricing.

    The FBI won’t be inquiring about regulatory inequities, HOWEVER, you and I as professional insurance agents, selling work comp via the standard delivery system SHOULD BE.

    It’s ironic, but the fewer strings attached, may increase ones propensity to hang himself.

    Will be interesting to see if the FBI sends any PEO’s to the gallows.

  • May 5, 2005 at 5:06 am
    wormwood says:
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    What horrors also lurk in the bowels of the Insurance Industrie’s castles?

    Take for example “Health Net” their record is most describable of “Evolution’s Disaster”!

    1988-California Compensation Company acquired from the Saudi Royal family, “questionable” as a complete ficticous Insurance carrier established 1933, show me the records. Business Insurance Group, Foundation Health Systems wouldn’t you hate to be accused of inhibiting sleezy appetites.

    This is not a matter or national security, and suppose your comments turned out to be a commissioned, grim illustration of error compounded.

    Could it be said: ten·ta·cled interface?

    A similar part or extension, especially with respect to the ability to grasp or stretch: an espionage network with far-reaching tentacles.

    How many US Congress, House of Representatives are fortified with this hideous POSTULATE?

    Note: Clever Professionals?

  • May 6, 2005 at 11:15 am
    No Name says:
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    When it has become CRYSTAL clear that there is no accountability within a States regulatory system concerning Insurance Fraud committed by Insurance Companies, then it is and has become time for the FBI to step in and investigate, immediately.
    Finally the time has arrived where also the Insurance Companies will and need to be held accountable for the wrongdoing. And if it means that another so called â€Åâ€ŔENRON” escapade lies on the horizon so it be.
    A prime example is the so called Golden State of California, where ZERO accountability within the States enforcing agencies is on the daily agenda of each and every State Officials mind.

  • May 7, 2005 at 8:53 am
    imafraud says:
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    Gee I sure hope that they do not investigate malpractice insurance carriers in the mid-Atlantic region. It would prevent me from receiving lots of $$$. What is wrong with hiding behind the reinsurance companies and reporting lot’s of $$$ for the first 3 quarters and then making suprise actuarial adjustments just before year end, every year?

  • May 7, 2005 at 2:46 am
    Laura Jeanne Pyne says:
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    How absurdly glib of one to state that international security should have anymore relevance than the probe the FBI has recently revealed regarding the most disgusting horror in our own homeland by our own people against our citizenry.

    The purpose of any investigation that the FBI would engage in would always involve the safety of the American people, on our shores or abroad. I do not care what anyone’s opinion is. The gross practices of the Insurance industry are beyond any word I can think of. There is not any humane group or person that can continue to watch these inequities, and state this is not true. The limit is beyond pushed, now there has to be an ownership for ones actions. This will be ugly, but it is the inevitable.


    Unfortunately, there will have to be a large reconstruction and exposure of mass corruption, so to speak. People have to be brought to justice. The people are demanding this. Confusion etc. Too bad. People make their beds, they have to lie in them. Too many grandmothers, families and so on have been destroyed. This cannot and will not be ignored. The truth is always the way. The pendulum must swing to balance. If not now, it will occur at some point. IT IS TIME. This cannot go on any longer.

    It is time for the FBI to do what they are good at. I believe they will.


    GO FOR IT FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • May 9, 2005 at 6:19 am
    LEGAL EAGLE says:
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  • May 11, 2005 at 5:13 am
    Overlooked says:
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    What about big corporate companies like my former employer (TJ MAXX), that claim to be “self insured” and do not pay Workmans Compensation Insurance. MarMax claims to care for their own. However, they never pay their Final Settlements and CT law cannot force them to. Workers are treated until something else happens to you and your illness is no longer related to the original injury.

  • May 15, 2005 at 12:45 pm
    concerned observer says:
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    When TCB was on dire financial ropes in 1999, their “beloved” CEO, John Hahn, regularly used the premium trust account to cover corporate expenses, but got away with it by a cover up through an acquisition, then flipped the company for $85MM after the 9/11 hard market, puting plenty of it in his own pocket.

    He is willing to say anything to anyone on any subject at anytime, if it will help his position. I guess that’s what you call brokering, with added “spin selling”.

    Let the FBI figure this one out and take on this greedy supposed charmer.

  • May 20, 2005 at 10:35 am
    MJC says:
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    It is about time someone like the FBI steps in and investigates the insurance industry. I certainly hope during their investigation in the workmen’s comp area they will investigate the fraud that takes place in ignoring the needs of injured workers. Many workers go years without proper medical treatment. The companies that write these policies play with the injured workers lives everyday. I am one of them going on 6 years and ongoing. But, believe me there are many injured workers that is tolerating worse situations than I am. I hope and pray this area will be seriously investigated aling with whatever areas that needs investigating. Please, will someone step up to the plate and do the job that needs to be done. Thank you for this opportunity to voice my opinion and concerns regarding the insurance fraud investigation.

  • October 4, 2005 at 10:24 am
    Rick says:
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    I found this website concerning C&C’s $8M mail fraud settlement and simply wondered why the civil settlement that was discussed at the end of the report has never been mentioned? Is it possible that it is related to the ongoing FBI investigation in New York and they are going to hit Crawford with a huge Civil fine in the end?


  • October 22, 2005 at 1:20 am
    Royal Catbird says:
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    The Asian and Hawaiian Insurance connection and grand theft public fraud, using false insurance coverages and false public record information, can be found in the secluded Aloha State of Hawaii. Insurance buyers and investors….be aware! Pls make references to: http://www.the-catbird-seat.net under Harmon’s claims and the Puna Connection. This stealth regulated public fraud, between Hawaiian political officials and non profit Native Hawaiian political associates and investors, is being endorsed by the State of Hawaii regulatory commissions and departments, which is having a National economic and social ripple effect throughout Hawaii, the Pacific Rim Nations, Asia, and the entire United States.

  • December 5, 2005 at 5:52 am
    Angry Spouse says:
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    I have spent the last 2 weeks searching and searching. It\’s about time somebody higher steps in.
    6/23/05 – last time my spouse rec\’d check. Bankruptcy, repo of one car (but got it back); turning in the other car 3 weeks ago), no medical bills paid WHATSEOVER
    BY WHO? A z9*&^%$ PEO!! Yes. Certified Services, Inc.
    Found out last week from a medical provider that they were told: \”there was no wc insurance in place at the time of Mr. (my spouse)\’s injury!! PA WC is pathethic. 7 penalty petitions; one subpoenaed hearing and STILL NO ONE SHOWS UP!????? Judge didn\’t do a dam thing! sure hope the F.B.I.\’s puts Pixler behind bars.
    F.B.I. – please help!
    Calls, calls and more calls. This week – it\’s Harrisburg, F.B.I. and whoever else I can contact.

  • May 24, 2006 at 12:36 pm
    Kathy says:
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    Hello: I have just re-read this post and you are right. The lawyers go where the money is – not to the IPEO. WC Attorney put a judgment on employer\’s assets – NOT THE PEO. WHY: because they have no jurisdiction on the real culprit CERTIFIED – 02 HR, the company who IS BEING PAID TO PROVIDE THE INSURANCE for the employer/employees to begin with. I asked why the employer and not the PEO: No jurisdiction. I never looked at it that way and you are so right.

  • August 21, 2006 at 5:10 am
    Michael Johns says:
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    There are 17 million injured workers in California and SCIF in 2002 had in its reserves 9 Billion dollars to handle any injured worker along with all that comes with it. If you gave each of the 17 million workers 1 million dollars as a settlement, that wouldn\’t even scratch the surface of 9 Billion and on to of that when the case is settled SCIF wants whatever they have paid out and that leave the injured worker with little or nothing and one more thing, how can they justify raising the premiums of the employers, since they get there funds back where is the so called lost. They have the award money in high interest earning accounts so they don\’t even touch the principle. Investigation needed on SCIF\’s account practices amoung other things. Who knows just what one might find who has the power to do so like the F.B.I.?

  • October 10, 2007 at 6:57 am
    charles says:
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    If you have a 6 year old Workman’s Comp case like mine then most likely their is fraud involved.

    I have discovered hundreds of missing and/or altered medical documents in my case.

    Check your documents.

    The lawyers are concealing the injuries with the Doctors and other state employees and sending altered documents in replace to show you were previously injured.

    Evil, wicked anti-Americans.

  • March 18, 2009 at 8:52 am
    bill knight says:
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    anyone have a problem with crawford-crawford involving workers comp claims? I am battling them in AZ right now,(3 yrs.), delay, deny, phony drs. etc. etc. just trying to get some info for possible bad faith case, thanks.

  • March 19, 2009 at 2:04 am
    LARRY LOGIC says:
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