Specialty Underwriting Firm Naxos Avondale Launches

November 30, 2009

Naxos Avondale Specialty Casualty Inc., an underwriting management company focused on the specialty casualty excess and surplus lines markets, has officially launched operations and begun accepting business.

The creation of Naxos Avondale was announced in August 2009 as a joint venture agreement between Delos Insurance, a leader in program business, and Avoca Insurance Holdings, a specialty underwriting management company.

Headquartered in Boston, Naxos Avondale writes a broad spectrum of E&S casualty business on behalf of Naxos Insurance Co., a wholly owned E&S subsidiary of Delos Insurance. The company accepts its business exclusively from wholesale brokers, limiting its appointments to wholesale partners that value access to strong underwriting expertise and best-in-class service standards. Naxos Avondale is currently eligible to write E&S business in 44 states — including, California, Texas, Illinois and Massachusetts — and has applications pending in others.

As part of the launch, Naxos Avondale has also announced that four E&S casualty experts, each bringing more than 20 years of underwriting experience, have joined the company. Andrew Chaves, Andrew Forrest, Peter May, and Anthony Weddle have been named to senior underwriting positions. In their new roles, they will report to the company’s executive management team led by Chris Maciejewski, president and CEO, and David Lewis, executive vice president and Chief Underwriting Officer.

“I am thrilled with the experienced underwriting personnel that have joined us in this exciting venture, and expect to confirm additional appointments to the team in the upcoming weeks,” said Chris Maciejewski.

Added Bill Davis, CEO of Delos Insurance Group. “We are confident in the company’s ability to compete effectively in the E&S marketplace, and look forward to creating added value for our customers and shareholders.”


Source: Delos Insurance Group

Topics Excess Surplus Underwriting New Markets

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