Flood Insurance Program Back in Business Until Sept. 30

July 1, 2010

  • July 1, 2010 at 8:30 am
    JR says:
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    Congratulations Senate. I wonder what bloated spending bill you attached this to laced with pork. You never let a good crisis go to waste, do you?

  • July 1, 2010 at 8:39 am
    Becky says:
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    I am so tired of the political practice of holding the flood program hostage this year to get this bill pushed through. This has not been an issue to this extent before now. It’s tough on everyone- the clients, the lenders, the realtors and those of us in the insurance industry. Guess whose flood commissions will be way down for June?!

  • July 1, 2010 at 9:19 am
    Bill says:
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    The Senate could care less about something like this. To them, this is nothing more than that little splinter you get under your skin that needs scratching. They have bigger fish to fry; such as jamming health care down our throats and bankrupting this nation. Yep; don’t let an opportunity to fix a situation once and for all get in the way of all that.

  • July 1, 2010 at 9:56 am
    Debbi says:
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    This is getting just a little bit ridiculus. When we cant close a loan until proof of ins is in place or we will have penalities to pay, but yet Congress can take let this program lapse causing homes to be without insurance during a time that it is most critical. With the flooding that is currently happening across the country and the potential for more, since the hurricane season is upon us, this is not the time to be lolli-gagging around.

  • July 1, 2010 at 10:27 am
    Hal says:
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    Ya can’t teach a pig to dance and ya can’t teach the house of reprehensibles to balance a budget.
    It’s the house that bundled the flood program with the unemployment benefit extention, cobra subsidies for government workers, and who knows what else.
    The flood program was set up and operated as a self-supporting insurance plan. Now they are making it just another welfare program adding the cost to the deficit. The Senate was trying prevent that.

  • July 1, 2010 at 10:29 am
    Truxton says:
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    See, all you doubters, government does work. LOL

  • July 1, 2010 at 10:34 am
    Mike says:
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    Why all this hop-law Obama hasn’t Signed Yet??

  • July 1, 2010 at 10:49 am
    Mr. Solvent says:
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    See you right back here on or around 9/30 to have this discussion all over again.

  • July 1, 2010 at 11:00 am
    Becky says:
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    Isn’t that the truth!?

  • July 1, 2010 at 11:04 am
    Hal says:
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    Then we can re-group in mid November and see if our memories are still short.

  • July 1, 2010 at 11:59 am
    JR says:
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    We see evidence every day that our bloated, corruption laced Federal Government does not work and will not work anytime soon unless we replace them all with representatives of the people instead of special interests, unions and Progressives of both parties. They are in for a rude awakening in November. I am counting the days. Enough is enough.

  • July 1, 2010 at 12:12 pm
    Hal says:
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    We also need to get rid of the huge number of house and senate employees. They tend to do the work and the legislators play with the lobbyists.

  • July 1, 2010 at 12:34 pm
    Cynic says:
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    Would someone please write all of this down and enter it again around 9/30 so that we can just pick up where we left off? :)

    The beltway bandits have said it clearly, “Don’t waste a good crisis”. What part of that doesn’t apply to flood insurance. Think of all the grandmothers holding babies while their home floods as grandpa puts sand in bags to save their tiny home? That will play well again on 9/30.

  • July 1, 2010 at 12:47 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    it doesn’t work because if it did, it would not have taken 3 times to extend but then again, an extensions is still not resolving any issues. stop and halt all activity on the HILL! when are you going to put the american people first over your own agenda? the only time a congressman or senator give a hoot about the people of the united states, is the final rally for getting votes to keep him/her in office. what if it was their own home that needed a flood insurance… oops, i did not get it insured… oops, can i retro that… oops, SORRY!

  • July 1, 2010 at 3:59 am
    Sad but true... says:
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    …the end of September is close enough to the November election that they’ll all pass another extender to cover their backsides. Maybe extend it to December 31? Happy New Year, indeed.

  • July 1, 2010 at 4:10 am
    Jeer man says:
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    So in stead of this congress being crack legislators, they are legislators on crack?

  • July 2, 2010 at 1:35 am
    Ike says:
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    FYI- Obama did sign it, as was expected by everyone, except maybe you. Please fogive those on the forum who were a few hours premature in their “hop” for assuming that what almost certainly would happen would, well… happen.

    Forum members: Continuing hopping.

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