Buffett Plays Down Health Issue, Responds to Analysts

By | May 7, 2012

  • May 8, 2012 at 9:44 am
    Doug says:
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    Who wouldn’t admire Warren Buffet? A disturbing rumor, however, suggests President Obama thwarted the pipeline (through Neb.) in deference to CSX and its transporting of oil from Canada to TX. Does this register on any scale? Quid pro quo anyone?

  • May 8, 2012 at 10:54 am
    Sarah says:
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    Forget Buffets prostrate, he needs a doctor to examine his head with his endorsement of Obama. Yesterday, he came out and said Obama’s so called “Buffet Rule” would have little to no benefit to our economy. So why do it? ITS GOOD POLITICS!

    NOBAMA 2012!

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