Oklahoma Commissioner: Improve Fire Department Ratings, Lower Premiums

June 13, 2012

Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak has detailed a plan to improve the ratings of Oklahoma fire departments and reduce home insurance rates.

Speaking at the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association (OSFA) Convention, Doak said the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID) will work closely with the Insurance Services Office (ISO) and local fire departments to help fire departments lower their ISO rating, which is a factor many insurance companies consider when determining premiums.

Departments are rated from 1-10, with one being the best and ten being the worst. Of Oklahoma’s 1,600 fire districts, 52 percent have ISO ratings of 9 and 10, which results in higher home insurance premiums for people living in those areas.

“Some fire departments haven’t had a review in ten years,” Doak said. “They’ve made major improvements that aren’t being recognized. Others just aren’t aware of all that goes into the ratings and how they can improve them. Our state is full of great fire departments but the system doesn’t reflect that.”

The effort includes educating the public and fire departments about the importance of ISO ratings and increasing manpower. The plan calls for hiring professional firefighters to train volunteer departments. More inspectors will also be needed.

A critical player in the program will be Investigator Kevin Stoneking, according to the insurance department. The career firefighter brings to the OID in-depth knowledge, experience and training capabilities. Stoneking will teach fire departments all over the state how to understand and succeed in the ISO grading process.

The project has the support of the State Fire Marshal.

Source: Oklahoma Insurance Department

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