Ore. Examines Ways to Extend Time Off for Pregnancies

By | March 21, 2007

  • March 21, 2007 at 1:23 am
    Free says:
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    How surprising, a democrat wants to mandate that women take care of their babies and that everybody else pay for it. How innovative.

    Maybe women would take care of their babies anyway without democrat help, like they have forever? If their jobs get in the way of raising their own children, why should others be forced to pay for it?!

  • March 22, 2007 at 9:17 am
    The Reaper says:
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    The Democrats were much nicer when they were pushing abortion. Keep pushing the socialist agenda you jerks! Maybe couples should not have kids until they can actually support them! No, forget that. Let\’s stick with the abortion platform.

  • March 22, 2007 at 9:52 am
    Woman says:
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    How about making this a male tax, only on working males, since their careers are not interrupted by pregnancy and child care, and we know they make more than women anyway. Also, alot of men out there decide to make babies and not financially support them. It is for the good of society that mothers are home with their children. Our society is just sick to close it\’s eyes to this and think otherwise – capitalism gone too far. Ask any teacher, and I think they\’ll tell you, we are seeing the unfortunate results of the daycare generation. Socialism has been given a bad rap, but when greed overtakes social conscience, it makes one wonder if our society is like a child given too much freedom and not enough discipline, and has everyone chasing the gold, and losing sight of what is right, and good for society and the planet long term, and maybe some aspects of socialism/discipline
    have some justification. I think the founders of our country would be aghast.
    They have to have acted on the presumption that the majority of citizens would act honorably and with a conscience. They would say it was an interesting experiment, but over time, too much freedom, and lack of self-discipline has failed us.

  • March 22, 2007 at 9:57 am
    The Reaper says:
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    You are free to leave this country anytime you wish. How about we just start providing everyone with a free house, car, food, etc. Get the hell out now!

  • March 22, 2007 at 10:01 am
    Free says:
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    Howsabout if women just disciplined themselves to keep their pants on if they\’re not married? And if they are married, maybe they and their husbands should live within their husbands\’ means so that moms don\’t have to work and get welfare to put the kids in daycare or pay mom to stay home and take care of her kids? Since when is the govt taking my money to pay for your kids something that our founders would have approved?

    Go to Cuba. You should be ashamed.

  • March 22, 2007 at 10:03 am
    Woman says:
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    Such hostility – you must have been a daycare child, and you now probably even resent providing for your own children, or maybe you\’re one of the deadbeats, and I hit a guilty nerve ?
    I never advocated giving anyone anything free – just that men be men and support their children.

  • March 22, 2007 at 10:16 am
    The Reaper says:
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    You must be a liberal hag. Yes, you did strike a nerve. I am a hard-working father of two daughtgers. We decided to have children when I could run a family on one salary. My wife stayed at home to so she could be a \”good American mother.\” I did not need any handouts. Now, can I send you a one-way ticket to Havana, your dream world!!

  • March 22, 2007 at 10:35 am
    Free says:
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    You were advocating socialism in lieu of a disciplined citizenry. You are therefore a potential tyrant politically, and no doubt an actual tyrant maritally as well.

  • March 22, 2007 at 11:36 am
    incred says:
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    Instead of creating a government fund to compensate people on family leave, why not have companies do it themselves — either out of their own pockets or via an insurance policy designed especially to cover this need?

    By some estimates an employee costs about $50,000 to replace. If you paid an employee on leave $500/week, you could do this for nearly two years — far beyond the 12 weeks under FMLA — and still be ahead when the employee returns to work.

    I work for an employer that pays 60% to 100% of an employee\’s salary if s/he takes family leave. This benefit is available to all employees, not just women. It applies whether you take time off to care for an infant or an aging relative.

    And we\’re not even socialist. In fact, we\’re a for-profit enterprise that had record earnings last year. It can be done.

  • March 23, 2007 at 7:45 am
    Free says:
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    That\’s really great. More power to ya. If the govt makes us do it it would put us out of business. I guess as Hillary put it vis a vis potential socialist healthcare casualties, \”We can\’t be responsible for under-capitalized companies.\”

    By the way, what does s/he mean?

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