Vegas Police OK $100k For Videographer In Beating

March 28, 2012

  • March 28, 2012 at 5:12 pm
    maybe says:
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    But you’re in Arizona!

  • March 29, 2012 at 6:55 am
    gary alan says:
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    I just had a north las vegas narcotics police officer punch me in the eye for no reason unprovoked! What a **** he is with his other Undercover narcotics police officer there. I am 55 he is about aprox 28 and if he want’s me he can have me any time! I respect police as they have to deal with x drug users like me. I have not used drugs at all in year’s and for some reason he try’s to entrap me and act like he is gay and has drugs! ( I am not Gay and do not use drugs now ) and I just ask him to please leave me alone as I am clean. He wait’s for me out side and punches me like a *itch. No big deal as he punches like a *ITCH!! But it did scar my eye! This is the bar where all North las vegas narcotics police hang out = PT’s Pub – 3085 North Rainbow Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 …. I like to think that most police are doing there job the best they can and I cut them some slack but this kid is a *ussy that does not belong in the police. When I told him I would call regular police he said do not do that and I am clean now!!! *ussyyy, I was always clean dip *hit! I am sure he went in to earse or get any tapes but do I sound scared *ussy?? I want good police not F N retard police that entrap and and try to make things that are not there! I will contract public affair’s and the FBI AND THE ACLU soon and will put his picture and info up on the web ,, Just cause he is *ussyy! I apologize to any good police officer and there are alot of them that I may offend and I pray they do not try an go after me now for no reason. But right is right and wrong is wrong. We all deserve good police oficers not thugs!

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