Toy Patent Lawsuit Ends In Favor Of Colorado Professor

November 26, 2012

  • November 26, 2012 at 2:17 pm
    UCT says:
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    While in college, one of my professors sued Microsoft over a patent infringement for a component of their operating system. His “win” didn’t cover his attorney fees. So much for being able to fight the big guys.

  • November 27, 2012 at 10:21 am
    Bob Fletcher says:
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    I’m always sorry to read stories like the above indicating that a small inventor did not recieve just reward for his invention because of high patent enforcement costs.
    The unfortunate part is that patent infringement abatement (enforcement) insurance has been available since 1989 and has continuously come down in price. A policy providing a million dollars in enforcement coverage fees would probably have cost $8-10 thousand dollars.

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