California Division of Workers’ Comp Suspends 5 Medical Providers for Fraud

California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation has suspended five more medical providers from participating in the state’s workers’ comp system, bringing the total number of suspended providers to 32.

DWC Acting Administrative Director George Parisotto issued suspension orders against the following providers:

Assembly Bill 1244 requires the DWC administrative director to suspend any medical provider, physician or practitioner from participating in the workers’ comp system in cases in which one or more of the following is true: The provider has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving fraud or abuse of the Medi-Cal or Medicare programs or the workers’ compensation system, fraud or abuse of a patient, or related types of misconduct; the provider has been suspended due to fraud or abuse from the Medicare or Medicaid (including Medi-Cal) programs; or the provider’s license or certificate to provide health care has been surrendered or revoked.
