Drones News

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New York City Deploys Drones to Warn About Storms

Aug 9 2024 // Gone is the bullhorn. Instead, New York City emergency management officials have turned high-tech, using drones to warn residents about potential threatening weather. With a buzzing sound in the background, a drone...

3 Emerging Risks: Severe Convective Storms, Battery Energy Storage and Drones

Aug 5 2024 // There’s something very human about attempting to master nature itself. We live in an uncertain time, however — one in which unpredictable weather patterns make it increasingly difficult to protect our property...

Houthis Escalate Red Sea Danger With Explosive Drone Attacks

Jul 3 2024 // Yemen’s Houthis are sending drone boats packed with explosives into the Red Sea as they intensify their attacks on merchant ships that have little defense against the “sophisticated shift” in tactic,...

Robots, Drones and Driverless Tractors Usher In New Age of Farming

Jul 2 2024 // Tractors plow the farm fields without drivers, guided by satellites and iPhones. Solar-powered robots tend to plants on the ground like giant outdoor Roombas, while drones fly overhead spraying the crops. It may sound like...

Drone-Sinking of Coal Ship Boosts Red Sea Perils, Drives Surge in Insurance Costs

Jun 20 2024 // The sinking of a coal-carrier by a sea drone has boosted the risk of navigating the vital Bab el-Mandeb chokepoint to a new level and is driving a fresh surge in insurance costs. The British navy said Tuesday that the only...

Insurers Must Physically Inspect to Confirm Damage Cited by Aerial Imagery

Jun 17 2024 // The Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) has reminded insurers of their obligation to conduct a physical inspection to confirm the type and extent of damage to a roof supposedly evidenced by aerial imagery. The...

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