medical marijuana News

Medical Marijuana User Fired After Drug Test Loses Unemployment Benefits Appeal

A Vermont man who was fired from his job after he said a random drug test showed he used medical marijuana while off duty for chronic pain has lost his appeal to the Vermont Supreme Court over unemployment benefits. Ivo …

Maine Has No Medical Cannabis Testing Requirement. Health Advocates Urge Change.

Keri-Jon Wilson started as a hobbyist, making medical marijuana edibles on a small scale for patients suffering from chronic pain and cancer. But in 2015 she expanded her business, Portland-based Pot + Pan Manufacturing, and began to standardize her products. …

Medical Marijuana Law Does Not Impair Employers’ Right to Drug-Free Workplace

A Connecticut employer has the right to terminate an employee who is impaired by medical marijuana in the workplace. The Connecticut Appellate Court on March 19 upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit brought against a nonprofit pre-school by a teaching …

In Pennsylvania, Workers’ Compensation Now Pays for CBD Oil Treatment

Eight months after it ruled that medical marijuana is covered under workers’ compensation, a Pennsylvania appeals court has concluded that an injured worker’s cost of CBD oil is also reimbursable. A Commonwealth Court has found that CBD oil qualifies under …

Medical Marijuana Sales in Arkansas Could Set New Record: State Officials

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) – Medical marijuana sales in Arkansas are on track to set a new record this year, state officials said. From January through June, patients spent $141 million to buy a little more than 29,000 pounds of …

Pennsylvania Weighs Expanding Medical Marijuana Access

Pennsylvania state senators began advancing legislation Wednesday that would liberalize the state’s 5-year-old medical marijuana program by expanding the scope of who can buy it and allowing it to be sold in edible form. The three-bill package passed the Senate …

Alabama Judge Halts Medical Cannabis Licensing After Irregularities Found

A judge on Friday ordered Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission to temporarily halt the issuance of licenses to growers and distributers as two companies argue the state used a flawed and secretive process to selecting winners for the potentially lucrative licenses. …

Workers’ Compensation Must Reimburse for Medical Marijuana Costs in Pennsylvania

Injured workers in Pennsylvania are entitled to be reimbursed for medical marijuana costs under the state’s workers’ compensation law. The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has ruled that while the Medical Marijuana Act (MMA) does not require insurers or self-insured employers …

Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Move Closer to Legalizing Medical Marijuana

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Republican lawmakers who control the Wisconsin Legislature are moving closer to supporting the legalization of medical marijuana, after years of fighting efforts to loosen the state’s laws, the GOP leader of the state Senate said Thursday. …

Maine Retreats on Ban on Sales of Pre-Rolled Medical Marijuana Products

Maine is backing down from some of its guidance for the medical marijuana industry by allowing the sale of pre-rolled products to resume. The Maine Office of Cannabis Policy last month banned medical marijuana caregivers without a storefront from providing …