mortgage lenders News

U.S Comptroller Defends Settlements with Banks, Hits Critics

A top U.S. bank regulator on Tuesday offered a lengthy defense of entering into settlements with banks, taking a swipe at critics who have questioned whether regulators are aggressive enough in taking banks to trial. Comptroller of the Currency Thomas …

Financial Firms Having to Adjust to Aggressive Consumer Protection Bureau

The new federal agency charged with enforcing consumer finance laws is emerging as an ambitious sheriff, taking on companies for deceptive fees and marketing and unmoved by protests that its tactics go too far. In the 14 months it has …

Regulator Defends Suit Against Lenders Over Mortgage-Backed Securities

The U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency said Tuesday it decided to file lawsuits against 17 financial institutions last week because the firms misrepresented the mortgages in securities filings. “At the heart of the suits is FHFA’s conclusion that the actual …