Articles by Julian Aston

4 Steps to Better E-mail Marketing Results

The interactive revolution has brought many incredible advances, not least is the ability to track e-mail respondents. The results are right there, within days after your campaign has been deployed. These real-time reports allow you to accurately measure the effectiveness …

Marketing Knowledge Equals Sales Power

The interactive revolution has brought incredible advances, not least is the ability to track the effectiveness of e-mail marketing. No longer does the partnership of “hope and prayer” play a role in evaluation and analysis of a marketing campaign. The …

Is Your Database Holding You Back?

How to Create a Culture of E-Mail Collection in Your Organization These are not the heady times of the past when you could take a flyer on an untried marketing tactic. Sales are thinner, margins are slimmer and subsequently, marketing …

Deepen Customer Loyalty With E-Mail Marketing

Three Principles to Help Fashion an E-Marketing Plan A recent E-mail Experience Council conference featured speaker after speaker expounding the benefits of e-mail marketing. What hit home was that e-mail marketing can deepen customer loyalty within any industry segment. E-mail …

Eight Reasons Agencies Need a Strong Database Effort

A solid, up-to-date, well-managed database is the No. 1 factor in stimulating and maintaining business growth. The word “marketing” may conjure up images of the fast-paced world of television advertising, a piece of direct mail that catches your attention, an …

Managing and Using Information to Grow an Agency

Eight Good Reasons to Get Your Database Efforts Underway The word “marketing” may conjure up images of the fast-paced world of television advertising, a piece of direct mail that catches your attention, an interactive e-mail — even talk of demographics …

Managing and Using Information to Grow an Agency

Eight Good Reasons to Get Your Database Efforts Underway The word “marketing” may conjure up images of the fast-paced world of television advertising, a piece of direct mail that catches your attention, an interactive e-mail — even talk of demographics …

Keep Your Customers With E-Mail Marketing

Why E-Mail Marketing Should Be a Big Part of Customer Retention Efforts It’s a recognized fact that obtaining a new customer costs five times more than retaining an existing one. However, just because a customer makes a single purchase, a …