Right Street

‘Everyone in Here is a Millionaire’

By | August 15, 2012

  • August 28, 2012 at 11:31 am
    Wes King says:
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    Interesting take but the article totally neglects how the drought is hurting small livestock farmers and small to medium specialty crop (fruits and veggies) producers. While in name there are insurance products available to these kind of farmers they are poorly designed and just don’t work so none of them have them; part of that is a factor that insurance companies and large corporate agriculture operations don’t want them to have workable insurance products and part of it is the insurance companies don’t make enough money in writing insurance policies for small livestock and specialty crop operations. The sad thing is that because of the drought and there being no real safety net for small and medium sized livestock and specialty crop producers many farms will fail and the result will be the big guys gobbling up some of the small guys land to turn into more easily insurable corn and soy acres and further concentration with the agriculture sector.

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