Why Insurance Marketing Reps Are Still Worth the Money

By Toni Campbell | March 5, 2019

  • March 5, 2019 at 8:28 am
    retired risk manager says:
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    Toni: Now that Midlands has been sold, I hope you continue with the new company. Remember the old days when there were special agents and state agents? People with the actual authority to sit in an agents office and approve a quote on an account. Continental Insurance, Zurich etc. The last company I worked with, where I had underwriting authority was US Fire (Floyd West). My loss ratio on multi line (property and liability in one cover) was 26%. The underwriting dept, in the 90%. Management was embarrassed, so marketing reps went back to drinking coffee and talking about account current issues.

    • March 6, 2019 at 10:25 pm
      Toni Campbell says:
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      Thanks my old friend. Yes, I’m still with Midlands and love the company. I made an impact when I first came here and hope to continue to do so. We have a lot to offer and I love telling people about us.

  • March 5, 2019 at 5:45 pm
    Retired Agent says:
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    I am not that old (66), but I still remember the special agent going with me to inspect and quote new accounts. I was in a very small town and we always had a great loss ratio until a hail storm. Our retention was 95%+. The special agents did their quotes and we sent their quote in with our application and down payment remember no money no policy. The companies would never question our quotes or applications.
    P.S. I have been willed the Sanborn map

    • March 6, 2019 at 8:24 am
      retired risk manager says:
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      I guess one reason I left the company ranks was the total lack of understanding by management of how important the agent / client / company relationship was. I never met a management type that had worked as an agent. Never prospected, quoted etc. They forgot that there were other companies that the agent could work with. Some heard the siren song of agency life, and tried it. When I saw them later, they admitted that it is/was hard making a living. I’m really jealous that you have a Sanborn map book. My first job in insurance was in the mapping dept. Constantly updating the info.

    • March 6, 2019 at 10:28 pm
      Toni Campbell says:
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      Mine is a treasured souvenir.

  • March 5, 2019 at 6:47 pm
    Jim Rogers says:
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    If you are in charge, worst way to find out your Rep was good is to see the drop in business after they are gone.
    Best way used to be to ride with them and see how detailed they knew the territory including the competition.

  • March 5, 2019 at 8:20 pm
    Fair Playing Field says:
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    Good marketing reps are critical to a company’s success. I’m not talking about glad-handing, buzz-speaking doughnut deliverers that do little more than take up a producer’s time with superficial chat and empty follow-up promises (I’ve seen plenty of those); I’m talking about the reps that understand the type of business the company is looking for and communicates that to the producers.

    More importantly, however, good company reps communicate producer feedback and what the producers want and need to the company. Really good reps are producer advocates, making sure their voices are heard by product, underwriting, IT and upper management. We don’t necessarily know how things are from their prospective – what they need, what processes are cumbersome, what we can do on the IT side to be more responsive to them and make their job easier and more efficient.

    The kind of rep that facilitates that level of communication builds relationships and loyalty on both sides.

    • March 6, 2019 at 9:38 am
      Mr. Solvent says:
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      There are far too many marketing reps that are nothing but company yes men (and women) who do nothing but waste your time. The good marketing reps were worth their weight in gold. The ultimate in dispute mediation, keeping everything friendly from the client to the agent to the underwriter. Those days are gone I’m afraid.

  • March 6, 2019 at 3:04 pm
    Eddie Hall says:
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    I am 68 years old and remember the days of a marketing rep going to look at a risk with you, then rating it and giving credits, The rep with Firemans Fund was one of the best. Today I don’t see any useful purpose of a marketing rep. The companies don’t listen to what they say and they don’t have any authority. Progressive is a company that I look to do away with marketing reps any day. If their rep doesn’t want to appoint an agent for some reason all the agent has to do is call the home office and they will go over the marketing rep and appoint the agent. I believe you could be a convicted drug dealer and call progressive and get an appointment.

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