Filling the Gap in Contractors Professional and Pollution Liability


Coverage Part A of the Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy is limited in scope, extending coverage to claims arising out of only bodily injury (BI) and/or property damage (PD). Couple Part A’s limited scope with the CGL form’s absolute pollution exclusion (“f.”) and expensive coverage gaps are created for most contractor risks.

Contractors’ Professional and Pollution Liability is the contractor’s coverage solution. Often referred to as either the Contractors Pollution and Professional Insurance, the Contractor’s Protective Professional Indemnity coverage, or simply CPPI, this multi-peril form addresses and closes most of the coverage gaps created by the combination of the limited breadth of protection provided by Coverage Part A and the pollution exclusion.

Coverage Part A’s Bodily Injury and Property Damage Coverage Gap

Every CGL extends protection when the insured contractor’s actions result in bodily injury or property damage to a third party – subject to specific exclusions. Many insurance practitioners stop here, believing the insured is adequately protected simply because it is not a “professional” (such as an architect or engineer). However, financial losses can be and often are caused by the actions (or inactions) of a “non-professional” contractor that do not arise out of or result from either bodily injury or property damage.

Consider the example of an HVAC contractor hired to design and install a heating and cooling system for a specialty manufacturing operation. Because of the product manufactured, a specialized ventilating system is required. During testing it is discovered that the system is not adequate and must be removed and replaced, delaying the opening and use of the facility – costing the manufacturer hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Because there is no bodily injury or property damage the cost to remove and replace the system is not covered by the CGL. Likewise, the loss of production income resulting from the delay is excluded by the CGL. This loss is solely the result of a design error. All costs associated with this incident are paid from the HVAC contractor’s financial resources.

Construction projects are not neat and tidy operations with a clear delineation of duties between professional services and construction duties (“non-professional” duties). As the project progresses and evolves, subcontractors may advise upper tier contractors regarding unexpected changes or how to solve unexpected problems. Such advising may cause financial loss that is not the result of bodily injury or property damage, but the result of an error in judgement.

The Pollution Exclusion Gap

Exclusion “f.,” referred to as the absolute pollution exclusion, removes coverage for most pollution losses. However, the exclusion contains exceptions that make it far less than absolute (unless the Total Pollution Exclusion (CG 21 49) is attached).

Several contractor-specific exceptions to the absolute pollution exclusion are found within Insurance Services Office’s exclusionary wording, but the protection is limited. These exceptions (giving back coverage) include:

Remember, these pollution-related coverage grants apply only if: 1) the exclusionary wording mimics ISO wording; or 2) the Total Pollution Exclusion endorsement his not attached. If proprietary wording is used, these coverage exceptions cannot be assumed; and if the CG 21 49 is attached, there is no pollution coverage granted by exception.

Even if the insured has this limited pollution coverage, important losses and costs are still excluded.

Too many gaps exist for the contractor to depend on the CGL for protection.

The One Policy That Fills These Gaps

Contractors’ Professional and Pollution Liability (CPPI) coverage fills most of the gaps created by the limited breadth of Coverage Part A and the application of the pollution exclusion (even with the “give-back” exceptions). Four key coverages are combined into CPPI forms:

  1. Professional liability;
  2. Protective liability;
  3. Mitigation expense; and
  4. Pollution liability.

Professional Liability Coverage

Financial harm arising out of professional services conducted by or on behalf of the insured is covered by this policy section. “Professional service” can include design work, engineering work, construction management operations, or even services performed as part of the construction process such as shoring or dewatering.

Key provisions related to professional liability coverage include:

Protective Liability Coverage

Protective liability is vicarious liability coverage that protects the insured by:

Mitigation Expense

Mitigation expense, or mistake coverage, is just what it sounds like – coverage for the cost of fixing a problem before it becomes a claim. The impetus for this coverage – cost. It is much cheaper to fix the problem during construction upon discovery of the “mistake” than when the construction is complete. Some policies use the term “rectification,” but the concept is the same.

Key components of this coverage include:

Pollution Liability

Contractors’ pollution liability in the CPPI extends coverage for two types of pollution claims: 1) job site or operations pollution coverage; and 2) pollution damage emanating from the insured’s location.

Job Site/Operations Pollution Coverage

Unlike the limited pollution protection extended by the unendorsed CGL, the job site pollution coverage is rather comprehensive. Claims covered include:

In addition to protection while operations are in process, the policy covers a release that occurs after the work is complete – completed operations pollution coverage.

Insured’s Location Pollution Coverage

Pollution claims emanating from the insured’s location are totally excluded by the CGL. However, these claims are covered by the CPPI. Claims covered by this section essentially mirror the types of releases extended protection under the job site pollution coverage with two key differences:

Both job site and the insured’s location coverages are subject to the same specific provisions which include: 1) The BI, PD, or environmental damage must occur during the policy period; and 2) The claim must be made during the policy period.

Some carriers extend pollution coverage on an occurrence basis, but a few provide coverage on a claims-made and reported basis. When the form extends coverage on an occurrence basis, wording in the policy limits coverage to just one policy period to avoid the possibility that multiple policies could be called upon to respond (avoiding stacking of limits).

Coverage forms extending pollution coverage on a claims made basis follow the “normal” claims made protocol: 1) The claim must be made against the insured during the policy period or any extended reporting period; 2) The release must occur on or after the retroactive date; and 3) Prior to the effective date of the policy, the incident could not have been known to have occurred.

Although a contractor may not appear to provide “professional services” or have a significant pollution exposure, the gaps in the CGL and the realities of a construction project make the CPPI policy necessary.