OSHA Scraps Obama Workplace Injury Reporting Rule; 6 States Sue

By | March 18, 2019

  • March 18, 2019 at 10:26 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    Hooray for common sense in regulatory practices! This rolls back the burdensome, economically inefficient reporting of claims by SMALL employers who would be hindered by the cost and time involved in complying with the onerous regulations proposed by the immediate prior Socialist POTUS.

    The larger employers have the ability to fairly smoothly report the data needed to study WC injury frequency, severity, and causes. Such reports are routine for members of NCCI or other independent bureau states. The larger employers data has adequate credibility to assess the factors, causes, and experience trends. Smaller employers data could add insight, but not likely enough to make any significant difference. Ask a WC industry actuary or statistician, not a liberally leaning politician or partisan, for support or refutal of my comment.

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