Renters Insurance and Swimming Pools

By | August 10, 2020

  • August 13, 2020 at 11:16 am
    Bill Wilson says:
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    I have had two people suggest that there could be coverage under the Additional Coverage for Building Additions And Alterations in the ISO HO-4 form. I had a similar question when this issue first came up in a seminar some time ago.

    This is what the policy says (EMPHASIS added):

    BUILDING Additions And Alterations
    We cover under Coverage C the BUILDING improvements or installations, made or acquired at your expense, to that part of the “residence premises” used exclusively by you. The limit of liability for this coverage will not be more than 10% of the limit of liability that applies to Coverage C.
    This coverage is additional insurance.

    It says it applies to “Building” additions and alterations, specifically improvements or installations to the “building.” Is adding an in-ground pool an addition or alteration of the steel Butler-type building? I have my doubts.

    But, even if there was an argument that the pool is connected, for example, via concrete deck adjoining the building, you’d only have 10% of the Coverage C limit which might not be adequate.

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