Judge Bars Silverstein from WTC Trial over Remarks

March 22, 2004

  • March 2, 2005 at 12:28 pm
    anonymous says:
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    Larry Silverstein took control of the WTC buildings just a few months before the atrocities of 911.

    I think Larry Silverstein should be investigated, charged and arrested for insurance fraud and possibly conspiracy to murder. On September 11th, 2001 Silverstein had inside information that the buildings he managed were to be destroyed by demolitions.

    It is now common knowledge that he (Silverstein) admitted publicly (on a PBS documentary) the scenario on 9/11/2001 by which he was complicit in the destruction of at least one building, the 7 World Trade Center in New York City.

    Watch and hear Silverstein admit knowing WTC Building 7 was about to be demolished here:

    Listen as demolition workers use the same term “pull it” when referring to bringing down a building here:

    In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7.

    Silverstein Properties’ estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. Thus the building’s collapse resulted in a profit of about $500 million. Silverstein already has plans to construct more death traps, er, buildings.

    Why is this criminal allowed to collect millions of dollars from insurance underwriters (billions when you figure in the Twin Towers too) when obviously it’s a case of blatant insurance fraud?

    If I were to burn my house down and file an insurance claim, then tell someone about it later (who reported me), I would be arrested and charged with a crime.

    Mr. Silverstein’s comments also stand in direct contradiction to the findings of the extensive FEMA report which stated, “WTC 7 fell after burning for 7 hours”, failing to mention anything about Silverstein’s remarks.

    Am I the only one who thinks there’s something VERY wrong with this picture? Larry Silverstein is obviously a criminal and I repeat …he ADMITTED wrong doing on the PBS documentary; everyone’s heard and seen it …why aren’t the authorities acting on this information?

    See these websites for more info:


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