Connnecticut Republicans Push for Med-Mal Caps

April 22, 2004

If medical malpractice legislation comes to the floor of the Connecticut House before it adjourns on May 5, Republicans plan on attaching provisions to cap medical awards.

Legislative committees weighing the issue for months have advanced legislation but none of the bills include caps. Gov. John Rowland said this week he would veto any medical malpractice legislation that does not include such caps.

Members of the House Republican caucus, led by House Minority Leader Robert M. Ward of North Branford, announced their support for monetary caps on malpractice awards.
“I have polled the caucus on this issue, and the overwhelming majority of the members support caps on non economic damages in medical malpractice awards as a way to help maintain access to medical care for all Connecticut’s citizens,” Ward said. “We have a real chance during this legislative session to achieve meaningful reform if even a minority of Democrats join us.”

Ward said a majority of his caucus supports a two-tiered cap on non-economic damages. The cap would limit non-economic damages against physicians at $350,000 and at $650,000 against hospitals.

Topics Legislation

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