Jury Selection Underway for Second WTC Trial

October 13, 2004

  • October 13, 2004 at 2:37 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    This guy Larry Silverstein is on his way to becoming the viaduct opportunistic, benefactor of the 9-11 tragedy. Would the port authority have claimed this as 2 separate events had they still owned the lease?

  • October 13, 2004 at 2:40 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    This guy Larry Silverstein is on his way to becoming the viaduct opportunistic, benefactor of the 9-11 tragedy. Would the port authority have claimed this as 2 separate events had they still owned the lease?

  • October 13, 2004 at 5:14 am
    KOB says:
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    In response to Ms. Kegley: Why so much apparent anger towards Mr. Silverstein? Assuming that he is not an insurance professional, I can understand why he believes that there were 2 “occurrences”. a matter-of-fact, the issue of the number of “occurrences” rested primarily on how it is defined in the different policies that were at issue in the litigation.

  • October 16, 2004 at 8:03 am
    Debbie says:
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    Well, another point to make…maybe they should call it the Iragi freedom tower for the bait we took in American by Osoma bin ******* us.

  • October 27, 2004 at 10:34 am
    Doug says:
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    one day, one plan, one group, one event whats the problem, greed just plain greed and the loser is the consumer who has to pay the upcharge because of greedy attorneys another example of fine print being interpreted by attorneys

  • October 27, 2004 at 2:45 am
    David Houtz says:
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    You bet they would have, so would have Bush and Kerry.

    It is the American Way weather you agree or not.


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