Pa. Insurers Cleared of Murder Spree Claims

October 19, 2004

  • October 19, 2004 at 2:46 am
    mpage66666 says:
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    I’ll be surprised if this denial stands up. As respects the parents, the injuries and deaths would have been sudden and accidental as a result of the alleged unintended negligent management of a weapon in the possession of their mentally challenged son. I presume they weren’t even the owner of the gun. Whether they are legally liable is another question. The son was an adult and certainly not acting as their servant or agent. Without seeing the complaint, I would have to believe that they are at the very least owed a defense.

  • October 19, 2004 at 5:14 am
    Steve R says:
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    Another example of our screwed up legal system.Does anyone really believe these acts should be covered by any insurance policy? The insureds(parents) have probably been strong armed into helping the plaintiff attorneys make some more bad case law. at least this court got it right.

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