N.J. Governor-to-be Codey Severs Ties to Insurance Agency to Avoid Any Possible Conflict of Interest

October 28, 2004

  • October 28, 2004 at 12:45 pm
    Skeptical says:
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    Three cheers for Mr. Codey for severing ties with his insurance operation while he is acting Governor of NJ. How about giving up and cutting off all income derived from his insurance business while he is acting Governor? I would then be satisfied all conflicts of interest were eliminated. How about measuring and disclsing the amount of new business that comes into his agency while he is acting Governor?

  • October 28, 2004 at 12:49 pm
    Agreed says:
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    It’s about time a political figure in NJ showed some ethical courage! Based on recent events in the insurance business and in NJ – it is refreshing to see that there are still a few honest people left in the Garden State. After the debacle of the McGreevey years, this is a welcome change for NJ. We don’t need any more questions about what goes on here and this is a great move on his part! Congrats to the future Gov. Codey! I’m a NJ republican, but based on this, I could vote for this guy next year!

  • October 28, 2004 at 2:24 am
    not_so_fast says:
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    I don’t think that you can come to the conclusion that Codey is honest & ethical based soley on the fact that he is temporarily handing over control of his agency while he is acting Gov. If he were truly ethical, he would not have accepted the position and demanded that McGreevey step down in time for the people of NJ to elect it’s governor.

  • October 29, 2004 at 8:00 am
    Jon says:
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    Um, he did. read carefully.

    “Even though these actions are not required under law because I’m governed by the Legislative Code of Ethics, I’ve removed myself completely from the day-to-day activities of my company and will receive NO INCOME from my business in order to eliminate any appearance or actual conflict of interest while I’m acting governor,” he said in a prepared statement.

  • October 29, 2004 at 8:27 am
    Skeptical says:
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    I’m still skeptical.
    Only to the extent of Mr. Codey’s personal integrity and his sense of ethical values will the “conflict of interest” issue remain.
    Will Mr. Codey profit from the growth of his insurance business after he leaves the office of acting Governor?
    Will Mr. Codey refer people/businesses to his “former” insurance agency even though he stands to earn no income from the business while in the capacity of acting Governor?
    There are many questions-
    Mr. Codey’s intentions are wholly in his control.

  • October 29, 2004 at 9:04 am
    Jon says:
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    Certainly, but this is a step in the correct direction to be sure. I would imagine that he will profit after he resumes control of the company.

    Remember that this is a short term assignment to maintain continuity in the political environment for the interim. He is over-compensating in my opinion, but it can’t hurt.
    Should he run for Governor after the interim assignment, then that is a different issue.

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