Maryland Gov. Ehrlich’s Med-Mal Proposal Unveiled; Special Legislative Session Gets Underway Today

December 28, 2004

  • December 29, 2004 at 8:11 am
    Dawn says:
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    Instead of just cutting the attorney’s paychecks, someone is finally ready to hold them accountable. The 3 strikes and you’re out is the best piece of legislation in regards to trail lawyers in a long time.
    I’m in Fla, and we just passed the limit on how much they can make on a suit. The nerve it takes to say that $250,000 isn’t enough just proves how arrogant they’ve become. We’ve also passed the 3 strikes and you’re out for doctors, but the problem is that it doesn’t account for ‘nuisance lawsuits’. So now the doctors are going to want to settle on nuisance suits rather then run the risk of losing. More money for lawyers.
    And putting a stop to ‘professional plaintiff testifying’ is also a good point. Some doctors that can’t cut it in practice have made a better living testifying against other doctors.
    I’m still not holding out hope it will pass. Unfortunately a lot of the people that get to vote on it are still too close to the attorneys that stand to lose. That’s a big part of the problem down here.
    But I’d love to see Fla take a look at these proposals.

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