Virginia Senate Gets Tough on Teen Drivers, Passing Cell Phone Ban, Seat Belt and Curfew Bills

January 30, 2005

  • January 31, 2005 at 3:23 am
    Donna says:
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    All drivers should be concentrating on driving and not on a phone conversation! Can’t wait until law is passed in other states as well – at least this is a start.

  • February 1, 2005 at 8:44 am
    Hmmm says:
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    I think the teen ban is fine. Teens are horrible drivers because they lack experience and do stupid things to try to “look cool”.

    If you ban all cell phones, whats next? “VA state bans all conversations in cars” one week later ” VA lawmakers ban all radio/cd players in new vehicles”.

    When I am driving, there is no difference between talking to someone in the seat next to me, or the person on the other end of a cell phone.

  • October 4, 2005 at 7:37 am
    Joey Stearly says:
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    I think that banning teens from using their cell phones while driving is retarded. Teens can be just as safe as other people. Sure there are some bad teen drivers, but there are bad drivers in all ages. If your going to ban teens from using their phones, you might as well ban teens from eating or anything in the car.

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