Mass. Gov. Proposes Good Driver Rate Rollback in Plan to End ‘Soviet-Style’ System

By | June 1, 2005

  • June 2, 2005 at 7:39 am
    PL says:
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    You obviously have no clue about auto insurance. Free competition is the only way to keep rates stable. Forget about reductions. That is a non-starter. Massachusetts should follow the example of New Jersey and South Carolina for auto insurance. I am sure glad I do not live in “Tax-a-chusetts”!

  • June 2, 2005 at 11:53 am
    TL says:
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    If he wants true competition, allow each company to set their own rates based on the criteria they decide is important. That includes age, gender, occupation, vehicle use, credit history, driving habits, etc.

    The Gov, as much as I support him, will never support this time of change.

  • June 2, 2005 at 2:17 am
    Guido Murphy says:
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    Before the governor decides that we have a worse system than other states. Please call and get some insurance quotes from like states to Ma. Call NY, NJ, R.I and Conn for example and he will find Ma rates are actually lower for like coverages and that means consumers, people like us are saving money now, but his plan will cost us all. R u saving on cable, utility bills after deregulation??
    NO, all went up without limit, which is where our insurance rates will go. Don’t be fooled. Insurance companies have been trying to get Ma in line w/other states rates for decades. They don’t want to give us any discount for excellent driving, they want to tier us all as standard with no discount, then any operator with an accident or ticket will pay thru their nose and there will be NO way to contest those charges. We are being sold out by our elected officials because their campaigns are paid for by these special interest groups. They have no loyalty to us, the people they are sworn to protect from this type of scam. We get what we deserve for voting for these carpet baggers,lining their pockets and primping for the national stage. Why isn’t this important issue put on the ballot and voted on by us? Because they can’t guarantee that we will be dumb enough to be led by our noses. So they take it out of our hands and then they all can set up whatever system they want. Does Gov. Rummey insure his cars in Ma or Utah? How many people in Utah? Arlington has more people, so where does he get off telling us he knows anything? He will be gone before the backlash from this disaster comes back to those who pushed for it. I will be here and so will you. We will get to deal with the mess. This is like our water bill. If Gov. Dukakki had been paying attention to Ma. and not the national stage our water bills would be much more reasonable but NOOO, we pay some of the highest water bills in the nation. WHY? because we got sold out and it’s happening again.

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