Conn. School Insurer Says Parents of Alleged Bully Should Pay

By | August 4, 2005

  • August 4, 2005 at 12:45 pm
    Florida Product Analyst says:
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    “Murphy said the insurance company had not discussed its decision to seek damages from the parents with the school board. He said the tactic is probably standard practice for an insurance company that may have to try to recoup money it pays out.”

    Murphy is probably correct. In many cases, laws state that parents have a “vicarious liability” for their children’s actions. It is standard practice for insurance companies to subrogate against others who share the burden of responsibility; if the parents are vicariously liable under the law, that would make them prime candidates for subrogation.

  • August 4, 2005 at 1:27 am
    compman says:
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    Sounds like those boys lack any kind of parental discipline at home. I know we all pulled pranks as youngsters, but deodorant in the face is extreme. Along with peeing on the clothes. Cheez whiz I can understand. That is harmless, even if it has a shelf life of 2000 years. If one of the perps was my kid, he would get his punishment for his antics.

  • June 13, 2009 at 1:43 am
    liz says:
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    the bullying is getting worse, the pricapal does nothing.. a student can do what ever they want to who ever they want, and nothing getts done. the chinese teacher swatts,,no hits, swatts students in the head. anyone want to know if it was there son.? bet yu could get a big chunk of change out of that. it is the worst school my child has ever itended.

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