Gov. Romney, Insurers Wage TV Ad War Over Mass. Auto Reforms

By Theo Emery | November 2, 2005

  • November 3, 2005 at 9:05 am
    Rockstar says:
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    Calling MA a Soviet-like commonwealth is right on the money. The MA auto insurance system is riddled with subsidies and inequities found in no other state. The reluctance to change is driven by political representation of the large urban population who reap the benefits of this flawed system.

  • November 3, 2005 at 10:33 am
    freemarketguru says:
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    Commerce and Arbella should be ashamed of themselves. They should run honest ads that strightforwardly address their real concerns — they are simply afraid of what a truly competitive marketplace will do to their franchise.

  • November 4, 2005 at 8:40 am
    Arcy - \"author\" of CAR says:
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    Yes, MA is now a \”mess\” because elected and appointed officials are meddling with the system with the backing and urging of certain insurance companies. Arrogance is an appropriate word to describe the plan set forth by the Commissioner and Governor in their attempt to ignore the LAWS of MA and replace CAR with an assigned risk plan which will benefit ONLY the insurance companies. \”Freemarket guru\” and \”Rockstar\” must be completely unaware of what insurers will do given an unregulated marketplace, or, on the other hand, they must have vested interests in replacing the CAR plan – because they work for insurers. Allowing some industry elements to advertise their propaganda while trying to stifle other viewpoints is \”Soviet-like\” and un-American.

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