Maryland Approves Bill Forcing Wal-Mart to Boost Health Plan

January 13, 2006

  • January 13, 2006 at 7:26 am
    grandstand says:
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    nothing will come of this, so dont get so excited America. REMEMBER he who has the gold makes rules, in this case that would be WAL-MART. NOT A BUNCH of grandstanding I WANT TO BE reelected politician.

  • January 13, 2006 at 11:01 am
    Mr. Recall says:
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    Go ahead America. Keep electing Democrats and this is what you will get. If I were running Walmart today I would shut down every store in the state.

  • January 13, 2006 at 11:43 am
    Tech Guy says:
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    The problem is that the politicians who voted for this are only trying to get air time and squawk back to their constituents that they are helping them, which isn\’t true. If I were Wal-Mart I would call Governor Ehrlich and tell him thanks for the money over the years but all Wal-Mart stores in MD will be closing in 30 days! It\’s also unfortunate that the courts in MD are probably too liberal to throw this out the door when Wal-Mart sues.

  • January 13, 2006 at 11:58 am
    brando says:
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    So they pass a bill that makes employers set aside more money in the budget. It should (in their eyes) lower health care cost for workers. To offset the change in their buget big chain stores raise prices. Now workers have lower cost health care but pay more the things that they puchase at the store. The way I see it the only people that don\’t benefit from this are the workers.

  • January 13, 2006 at 1:19 am
    MUD says:
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    No governmental body has the authority to pass legislation dictating how much a private entity has to pay in benefits, PERIOD.
    This is why it is important for all citizens and legislaters to understand the Constitution and the role of a limited government.
    Many fought and died and sacrificed immeasurably inorder that WE may live in freedom and have the right to vote on taxation. Yet corporations have no vote, only lobbying power-to prevent such actions!
    Remember- Walmart started with one store and then prospered under a well developed business plan-They are what the American Dream is all about. It is not that we are all guaranteed benefits because we are Americans, but instead that we have the freedom to set goals of high achievement unemcumbered by undue regulation and government controls. We the citizens of this great country REFUSE TO BE LABELED BY THE DEMOCRATS/COMMIES AS UNABLE TO PROVIDE FOR OURSELVES AND IN NEED OF THEIR ASSISTANCE.
    Remember the story of the ant who worked all summer long and saved his food for the winter. The grasshopper played all summer long and when the winter came he wanted the ant to share. Ted Kennedy is the grasshopper as well as the rest of the Democratic leadership throughout the land.
    I say throw them all out on their ears

  • January 13, 2006 at 1:29 am
    Mr. Recall says:
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    AMEN Mud!! These idiots in Maryland are true Socialists!!!

  • January 13, 2006 at 1:49 am
    Jarvis Johnson says:
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    Isn\’t it interesting that those who appluad Walmart forget that Walmart wants people to work for free. I was there when a Walmart worker came in stating that she only made $600 a month and yet Walmart wanted her to pay $200 for their health care. You are right that the new bill doesn\’t get everyone off of Welfare and provide health care for everyone. No it doesn\’t, but if it was proposed you would call it a communist ploy. I mean think of it, a company made to take care of its workers so they could have a piece of the American dream and not depend on the state to take care of them. Maybe you think that is un-American. It is about time that Walmart did its part to end the high cost of health care and took care of its own workers instead of asking the state to do it.

    Right on Maryland, you got it right.

  • January 13, 2006 at 1:52 am
    MUD says:
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    Thank you! The war has just begun to take back this country from the communists, socialists, leftists, Darwinists, etc. They control the courts, the primary and secondary schools, and many states. Respond to their failing ideas with facts!

  • January 13, 2006 at 2:10 am
    Chris says:
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    This has nothing to do with healthcare for Wal-Mart employees. The head of Wal-Mart Watch, an organization set up and run by unions, says it all when he talks about making the state \”friendlier for smaller firms.\”

    Translated, this means increasing the cost of Wal-Mart doing business, so that firms that are organized are more competitive with non-unionized Wal-Mart. That way, the unions maintain their dues paying membership levels, and the union fat-cats keep their ludicrous salaries, perks, etc. Oh, and don\’t have to go back to actually working for a living.

    What the unions couldn\’t accomplish in the workplace is now being accomplished thru unconstitutional legislation, as a sop to all those campaign dollars from the unions.

    If making sure that private sector workers were insured in Maryland so that the state wasn\’t footing the bill was a legitimate social engineering goal, the \”floor\” for being subject to the legislation wouldn\’t be set so that only one employer is targeted; the requirement would apply to all employers, period.

  • January 13, 2006 at 2:11 am
    MUD says:
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    There is no such thing as fair share. This employee who makes $600.00 a month is a part time employee who is lucky to be able to participate in a group health plan that is normally for full time workers. My employer does not provide any health benefits and my cost is well above the $200.00. I am not complaining just pointing out the obvious!!
    I mentioned nothing about getting people off of welfare. I discussed the legitmate roll of legislatures-local,state, and federal.



  • January 13, 2006 at 2:13 am
    MUD says:
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  • January 13, 2006 at 3:40 am
    Jack J Maniscalco says:
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    Mr Johnson – Is your copy of Chairman Mao\’s book getting a little dog-eared?

    When they came for my neighbor, I said nothing…

    This is just the start of more mandates from people who, for the most part, have no idea what it takes to run a business or meet payroll. Soon, the \”people\’s\” represenatives will decide after they make WalMart bow to their demands, they will go after employers with less than 10,000 employees. Eventually, they will reach the single employee employer. THEY will decide, not business demands and competition, pricing, product, work hours, and all other benefits they feel are necessary. THEY, not the risk taker, will reap the rewards by RAPING the risk taker.

    Think about the recent land grabs under the abuse of eminent domain laws. How much government do you want intruding in your life?

  • January 13, 2006 at 3:57 am
    Chris says:
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    But Jack, in the case of eminent domain land-grabs (which, by the way, I DO NOT agree with), at least there was an attempt to create jobs (for the developers if no one else)…

    Here, the affected workers, the ones that the state is supposedly looking out for, will be lucky if they all get to keep theirs. All it would take is for Wal-Mart to close all of their small stores, leaving open only the Super Centers in areas where they have no grocery competition and the Sams Clubs, and then their employee count would fall below the statute\’s \”floor\”. Then what?

  • January 13, 2006 at 4:12 am
    Jack J Maniscalco says:
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    I agree. Than what?

    Health Insurance, Vacation, Sick Days, Pensions, used to be called fringe benefits. Now, after years of righteous political pandering, much of the public considers these things \”rights\”. Although there is nothing in the Constitution denoting said \”rights\”.

    This is not unlike how the lawyers and courts re-write insurance contracts after the loss so that it is covered. Never mind preparing beforehand.

  • January 13, 2006 at 6:42 am
    Republican says:
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    I take all odds that the courts will overturn. Not the court in Maryland, but a court of appeals or the supreme court.

  • January 16, 2006 at 3:34 am
    Facts-Lover says:
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    The hard facts and data regarding the high costs Wal-Mart\’s employment practices exacts on local public health systems are widely available, and easily accessible online. The purpose of laws such as the one passed in Maryland is to recover this \”stealth tax\” Wal-Mart\’s practices are imposing on taxpayers in that state, to cover these health costs of their employees. Check out for an overview.

    You may still choose to disagree politically, but please do so only after having read up on the facts of the situation.

  • January 16, 2006 at 3:44 am
    MUD says:
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    None found there, sorry. A liberal group with an aim to harm Walmart does not lend any credence to such claims. Walmart employees over 10,000 people in Maryland. Where would the State be if all these folks were unemployed. It is not the responsibility of Walmart to provide any benefits to employees, but they do anyhow. If you pay attention to REAL news sources you would have seen that Walmart has recently swithed to an HSA plan for all of its employees.

    There is no such animal as this stealth tax. People who use health care personnel and facilities and do not pay for same create costs that are passed on to all consumers. How is this problem Walmarts???

    People not being responsible for themselves and waiting for the next handout and entitlement create this problem, as well as Uncle Sam for making people dependent on the government.

  • January 16, 2006 at 3:55 am
    MUD says:
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    1/2 of 1% of the over 750,000 uninsured employees in Maryland actually work for Walmart. That\’s a fact Jack!!!!!!

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