Mass. Largest Auto Insurer Dropped from High Risk Board

August 16, 2006

  • August 17, 2006 at 6:47 am
    Armando M. Castellini says:
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    There is absolutely no doubt that Commerce deserves and should be represented on the CAR Board. This attempt to remove the carrier by Commissioner Bowler and Governor Romney is nothing less than \”packing the court\” with insurers these officials are better able to manipulate. Talk about attempting to prevent a voting bloc from coming into existence, that is exactly what the Commissioner and Governor are tryting to do. Voters, revolt. Some will recall I was the \”author\” of the CAR Plan in 1972, and understand how it was intended to function. And it should not be referred to as the \”high risk driver\” program. People are forced into CAR because of insurance company discrimination on where you live, your occupation, the car you drive, and other factors not related to your driving record.

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