New Low-Price Mass. Health Plans Too Good to Be True, Advocates Say

By | March 9, 2007

  • March 9, 2007 at 2:04 am
    insureme says:
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    I cannot see what they are whining about. Our costs in Maine are much higher. Can you say Dirigo?

  • March 9, 2007 at 2:19 am
    Vlad says:
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    I have just a few questions:
    1) So if I am poor and choose not to purchase, I will face tax consequences? What are those consequences, if I don\’t pay any taxes?
    2) How are they going to police? Will I have to show my health card if asked?
    3) How often can rates be changed?
    4) If a company loses money, can they withdraw?
    5) If I move into the state, how long do I have before I have to purchase?

    This is great, I can see this beauracracy expanding and exploding ad infinitum!!!

    Your comrade, Vlad

  • March 9, 2007 at 3:07 am
    Nan says:
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    Unfortunately for MA residents, this program was mandated by former Gov. Mitt Romney (now presidential candidate). He did not provide any details about how it would work or how it would affordable. I do know that my CPA told me SHE, as a tax preparer, must verify our health insurance status when she files our taxes. She is not happy about having to be the \”health insurance reporter\” but the state is mandating that the tax preparer verify the existence of coverage!

  • March 12, 2007 at 7:51 am
    Etimer says:
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    They whine because we have an entire society that whines. They would wine at a free beer party.

    I have bookmarked multiple sites from countries like Canada / Australia and others. These bookmarked sites all point out that the famous national health-care plans are having problems with cost and an aging population. Imagine that….cost problems and aging populations.

    Sounds familiar but you\’ll never hear it discussed on the major news. At least not until the USA gets a National Plan and then we will hear about the problems of the other countries.

    You\’ll never hear this about Canadian health plans: you must be a Canadian citizen or have immigration status as set out in Ontario\’s Health Insurance Act

    The rising cost of medical treatment and aging populations are putting enormous strains on public funding for health. Governments are under increasing pressure to encourage people to subscribe to private cover and alleviate the burden on state facilities.

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