Citing $36 Million in Flood Damage, N.H. Seeks U.S. Disaster Aid

April 24, 2007

  • April 25, 2007 at 8:27 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    Their storms were relatively minor this year, and the posters there don\’t seem to have a problem with national cat pooling.

    Maybe they\’d be willing to contribute a few million bucks.

    You know- practice what you preach and all.

  • April 25, 2007 at 9:01 am
    the blaire witch says:
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    Mjolnir – if ignorance were cornflakes, you\’d be Kellogg\’s.

  • April 25, 2007 at 10:10 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    That\’s fine.

    I\’m not sure what that has to do with my post, but you\’re certainly entitled to your opinion.

    I\’m simply pointing out that with the large number of responses to articles about the insurance problems in Florida on this website, and the push for national catastrophe pools by our government, it would make sense for Floridians to put their money where their mouth is and help New Hampshire.

    I\’m not sure how having an opinion makes me ignorant, but I certainly hope you feel better after venting.

  • April 25, 2007 at 10:37 am
    Jewel says:
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    OK, I don\’t always agree with you but you do post some good responses.

    In this case, however, I don\’t *completely* agree with you. I see where you are coming from though.

    First of all, you are singling out Floridians. What about those from Mississippi and Louisiana who hoped that someone will come bail them out?

    Secondly, Nebraska received $109 million for ice storms. And here is $36 million sent for flood damage. So as you can see Floridians, etc. aren\’t the only ones who ask for a handout. Hopefully you understand that point.

    That being said, ANYONE who wants others to help them out should the time arise also needs to help when a catastrophe occurs.

    That includes ANYONE from ANY state. Either that, or no more aid for anyone. That\’s the only truly fair answer, right?

  • April 25, 2007 at 11:06 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    I shouldn\’t have singled out Florida, and I\’ll apologize for that.

    I know the feds are helping other states, but I don\’t see a lot of posters from MS, FL, and LA hammering the keyboards in support of it.

    I\’m just trying to point out that calls for a national cat pool seem loudest from the gulf states, but when an article about NH or OK is posted the silence is deafening.

    There are always people willing to scream about how they\’re getting screwed, but they are MIA when it\’s someone else\’s problem.

    It makes their claims about how it\’s for everyone\’s benefit ring a little hollow, you know what I mean?

  • April 25, 2007 at 1:51 am
    Jewel says:
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    No apology necessary. I just wanted to clarify. Thank you =)

    I know exactly what you mean in your post.

    Unfortunately, a few peoples\’ voices are drowned out by many others who complain. I don\’t mind helping if others help us. I\’d rather every person helps themselves though. I would much rather help someone who protected themselves than someone who did nothing at all.

    I share your frustrations. I was just pointing out that not everyone in Florida (or MS or LA) is looking for a handout. Just like not everyone in the northeast, midwest, etc. is looking for one either.

    But, it is funny how 2 people posted on another thread about how other states don\’t ask for help (someone mentioned N.H. & another mentioned Nebraska specifically) and then less than a week later feds sent $109 million to Nebraska and NH (who this person claimed was not a welfare state) asked for $36 million.

    Again, people all over the US (no matter where) ask for or think they are entitled to handouts. Everyone should bear their own burden and stop looking to get bailed out! :)

  • April 25, 2007 at 4:42 am
    the blaire witch says:
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    Mjolnir – i called your post ignorant for the exact thing you back pedalled on now – calling out those of us in florida – for your information, i donated significantly to relief efforts for katrina victims, even as i was repairing my own home (yes, katrina hit us first, but no one remembers that) and then suffered even more damage from wilma 8 weeks later.

    i pay my insurance premiums as do most responsible people in this state – no one is looking for a free ride or handout.

    i dont understand who you\’re trying to call out or why. the people who post on here supporting these cat funds (i.e, the a-holes from florida to whom you are calling out) typically are simply posting in response to pathetic postings like your first comment. i.e., they wouldnt be making comments if people like you weren\’t being pompous asses about it.

    what are we supposed to say? if i agree withthe article, why do i have to proclaim it to the world?

    sure is funny how quickly you wimped out and backed off from your inflammatory first post as soon as anyone challenged it.

    gotta run – i have a project i\’m working on.

  • April 26, 2007 at 7:45 am
    Jewel says:
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    is that blaire witch was so angry when reading the response that he/she put a lot more anger into it than Mjolnir intended.

    It\’s unfortunate we can\’t read tone on here. However, that being said, your first response when there was no name calling or insults, was to call names and insult.

    I reserve name calling and insults for those who attack others (or myself) first.

    I have read other posts so I knew I could talk rationally to Mjolnir… let\’s try to give people a little leeway and not attack on first pounce.

  • April 26, 2007 at 7:47 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”let\’s try to give people a little leeway and not attack on first pounce.\”

    Hmm, that\’s what happens when you get distracted while posting…

    I realize the comment irritated you blaire witch… I was a bit irritated too… but Mjolnir didn\’t call anyone names… just stated an opinion.

    Now, if you\’d like to attack someone ignorant, I\’ve got a few people you could probably get in line. :)

  • April 26, 2007 at 8:20 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    I apologize for giving the impression I was back-pedalling.

    Let me be more clear.

    I wasn\’t apologizing for accusing gulf coast posters of hypocrisy and blatant self interest. I was apologizing for singling out Florida. I think many of the posters from the Gulf Coast are whiny and obnoxious.

    \”It\’s Bush\’s fault.\”
    \”State Farm screwed me.\”
    \”The government doesn\’t care about NOLA.\”
    \”Insurance companies are rapacious ba$tard$ and they are wrecking Florida.\”

    I see this stuff quite often. Other than rapacious- that word\’s not in the vocabulary of most of the usual suspects.

    I, personally, can remember only one post where someone from the midwest asked for cat coverage.

    I\’m sure there were others, but I missed them.

    I also remember when the national cat pool article was posted here, there was a slew of posts from the southeast explaining why it was a good idea.

    However, when articles about disasters in California or the Midwest are put up there is zero- Z.E.R.O. response from the hurricane victims.

    Your only response has been to call me names and declare that you donate to disater relief funds.

    Good for you. Where\’s Melanie? Rosie? adjusterjoe? The nameless hordes who post 1 or 2 rambling diatribes and disappear?

    They take the time to castigate our government over it\’s Katrina failures, and they burn out keyboards demanding a national cat pool when the article talks about hurricane coverage.

    But they don\’t say an effin word when it\’s New Hampshire under the gun.

    That\’s petty and hypocritical, and I\’m neither ignorant nor incorrect for saying so.

    Your charity contributions after Katrina do not offset the clear \”gimme mine, screw you\” attitude inherent on this board.

    Particularly since you have yet to demand cat coverage for NH. All you\’ve done is call names and tell us how wonderful you are.

    Does that sound like backpedalling to you?

  • April 26, 2007 at 8:44 am
    the blaire witch says:
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    Mjolnir – bottom line is, you purposely posted an antagonistic comment up front. it was not an objective innocent opinion for which you are now unjustly being rebuked. you deliberately and intentionally were inflammatory – then all of a sudden it\’s \” i\’m misunderstood – i was just expressing a friensly comment\” – what a load of crap.

    come see me in the woods sometime…..

    ; )

  • April 26, 2007 at 8:53 am
    Jewel says:
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    Mind my own business? You posted on a PUBLIC board. It\’s EVERYONE\’S business now. If you want people to mind their own business then call Mjolnir on the phone.

    And you did call names and insult Mjolnir. I don\’t know what school you graduated from (or if you even graduated) but I am sure they taught you that concept. I don\’t need to look up the definition of ignorance as you demonstrated it perfectly. Thank you for that :)

    You must be so lonely… I am sorry you don\’t have any friends. I will call a counselor for *you*.

  • April 26, 2007 at 8:58 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”Mjolnir – bottom line is, you purposely posted an antagonistic comment up front. it was not an objective innocent opinion for which you are now unjustly being rebuked.\” – The Blaire *itch

    Hmm, I didn\’t take it quite as harsh as Ms. Frustrated… And, obviously this person has no clue what they are talking about…

    I have seen the many posts on here from people in the SE saying help me, help me… Maybe people from other areas are too busy working to post requests for help. ;)

    It\’s true there has been a lot of griping… I have read the posts and they ticked me off. I am sure you didn\’t see in the sea of complaints that I posted I don\’t want help from anyone. I guess I am one of the few (on here anyway) who doesn\’t want a handout. Anyway, I see where you are coming from but please don\’t let the imbeciles on here form your opinion. Let all of the other imbeciles do that instead.

    Just remember, I live in Florida and I don\’t want jack from you. :)

  • April 26, 2007 at 10:04 am
    Jewel says:
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    You spend too much time on here as well.

    Maybe your \”boos\” will get mad too.


    Hmm, maybe I am my own boos, I mean, boss.

  • April 26, 2007 at 10:12 am
    the blaire witch says:
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    well, let\’s review – first, you accused me of namecalling when i had not called anyone any names to that point, then you called me a b*itch and insulted my level of education. then, because i replied to your attack, all of a sudden you take the high and mighty road. you truly are a jewel. probably rinestone.

  • April 26, 2007 at 10:14 am
    the blaire witch says:
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    hunny – i just started posting here – you on the other hand can be found posting things all over the place on this board.

    \”maybe i\’m my own boss \”

    collecting welfare is not a job.

  • April 26, 2007 at 12:13 pm
    Jewel says:
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    ..or maybe not. on second, i\’ll keep the pie for myself. us hermaphrodites get pretty hungry when we\’re all alone and miserable watching nick at night…

  • April 26, 2007 at 12:24 pm
    Jewel says:
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    It\’s Nick at Nite.

    Anyway, have fun… keep on keeping on… Post my name all over this board. And tell your brother Joe I said hi.

    Must be nice to be so immature… :)

    I\’m done with you and your ignorance. Keep the fat comments coming though. Gotta love those, since you have NO clue what I look like…

  • April 26, 2007 at 1:04 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”It\’s Nick at Nite.\”

    lol – that about sums you up right there. now stop using my name.

    Must be nice to be so immature… :)

    I\’m done with you and your ignorance.

  • April 26, 2007 at 1:08 am
    Jewel says:
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    oh, so now we\’re going to start the \”I am paper, you are glue\” stuff?

    very mature.

    I\’m done with you.

  • April 26, 2007 at 2:41 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    \”…you deliberately and intentionally were inflammatory – then all of a sudden it\’s \” i\’m misunderstood – i was just expressing a friensly comment\” – what a load of crap.\”

    Now that you two are done with the love fest, I\’m going to respond to this post.

    It wasn\’t a friendly comment, and I\’m not claiming it was. I was being deliberately inflammatory, and the only change I made was to include all of the gulf states rather than just Florida.

    Let me be even blunter-
    I\’m calling many of the regular posters to this site that claim to be from the gulf states hypocritical and grasping.

    I\’m using their calls for national cat coverage when discussing the gulf coast and their silence when discussing any other disaster as evidence.

    I think it\’s pathetic and sad, and makes many of their other \”neutral\” posts about SF and Katrina related BS look self-serving.

    It wasn\’t a friendly post, I don\’t have a friendly opinion, I was being deliberately insulting, and I\’m not backing off of that.

    Is that clear enough?

    Am I going to get insulted for my fat thighs and my ignorance now too?

  • April 26, 2007 at 2:55 am
    JeweI says:
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    Hey from the real Jewel.

    Hmm, maybe next time you could make your post as rude as \”blaire *itch\” because it only slightly offended me. Point taken… sorry you feel that way… and I do see how you got that perception.

    And of course you are going to get called fat and ignorant… from my Doppelganger. Maybe they will get bored from posting ALL day…

    But probably not. So, just keep in mind that if something extremely rude is posted under my name, that it isn\’t *my* post.

  • April 26, 2007 at 4:12 am
    Jewel says:
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    hey from the real real Jewel

    hhmmm. of course, there is always a double standard where i am concerned – i can call someone a b*itch without provocation and yet i am somehow now the victim. and my namecalling isnt namecalling since i did it. it only counts when it is everyone else, since i live in hypocriteland.

    gawd, i am so lonely….

  • April 26, 2007 at 4:45 am
    Jewel says:
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    I most certainly would not make fun of your fat thighs. Being a \”plus\” size gal myself, I know how depressing it can make you feel, and I realize how unattractive it makes me but I love my fried chicken, so what am i to do?…..

    gawd i am so lonely…..

  • May 1, 2007 at 2:24 am
    Mary B. says:
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    What is a \”rinestone\”? I have heard of rhinestone before and jewel is certainly not a rhinestone, she\’s a real gem. WTF is \”hunny\” by the way. Is that cute way of calling someone a Hun? TBW needs a GED ASAP.

  • May 2, 2007 at 10:18 am
    Jewel says:
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    ha ha ha… Attila the Hun. Good post Mary B. I was also wondering what a \”rinestone\” was and where I could buy one. Thank you =)

    Keep the posts coming! They are GREAT!

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