N.H. Joins Maine in Opposing Federal Real ID Program

By | June 12, 2007

  • June 12, 2007 at 12:16 pm
    Joel E. Wischkaemper says:
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    On the border with Canada, it doesn’t matter so much. On in border with Texas, it matter a very great deal.

    I would point out that the penalties and jails in this country are far, far nicer than those of Mexico. The illegal aliens coming north are far to frequently criminals, and while that sounds like Arizonas tough luck, they tend to get out of AZ because there are a lot of Border Patrol Officers. The prefer the northern states, so as did Minnisota, I believe you will be finding the Real

  • June 12, 2007 at 1:46 am
    Compman says:
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    I say from now on when we catch the illegal immigrants that we ship them off to Maine or New Hampshire. Let them keep all the drain on the society within their boundries and then we will see how long it takes them to come around. What a bunch of arrogant ***….s

  • June 12, 2007 at 3:57 am
    Dee De Silva says:
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    In order to get a semblance of order in our country Real ID ACT would be more than appropiate. We are consistently concern about privacy at the expense of national security. The landscape of American has changed;and might I add – not bad that our landscape have changed. The various forms of identification we use to transact business in this country have been abused and has caused us tremendous pain. Instituting a National ID system would offer more benefits than harm. This is one form of sending a message that we are serious and it would lend to uniformity of identification in the work place, and all personal transaction we conduct on a day to day basis. We are all issued a Social Security Number, what is the challenge of putting your photograph on it? Moreover we do not consider issuing a SSN an invasion of our privacy. If America going to solve this social challenge we are going to have to change the way we think and the way we protect the security and resources of our country. The honor system is not working for us. When is our leaders cognitive sense of reasoning is going to grip this?
    We have to make changes and it is clear our government leaders do not wish to change. Our system is being abused because there are no
    boundries set up. Once we motion for boundries and limitations – we cry invasion or intrusiveness of our privacy. Well if we are not breaking the law or behaving contray to public policy what do we have to hide? In summary by not endorsing a National ID Systems does it help us in any way not to have it. It appears to me that there is a conglomeration of out- of control citizens, who pleasure themselves on doing as they please and a National ID System would render their behavior transparent, including some of our most revered community leaders, in so doing I can understand their trepidation of rejecting this bill. We can study any any member country in the G8 and we can say without reservation, they face the same problem but not on the magnitude as USA. Why? they do not bow to whosoever come by disruption their policies and procedures that protect the infra structure of public policy.

  • June 13, 2007 at 8:02 am
    Anon says:
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    Um… they oppose it because it creates a National ID Card? Our Social Security card is already a National ID Card but because the number has been connected with so much personal, financial information we need something else.

    How exactly does requiring I have a National ID card infringe on my privacy? How does requiring I show my National ID card to vote infringe on my rights? God forbid I’m required to show my National ID Card to recieve certain services.

    People bally-ho about illegal wire taps, whatever. If the CIA/FBI want to wiretap my phone I feel bad for the poor sap who has to listen to those DULL calls. “10:40 AM, Suspect placed call to wife to remind her to pick up milk.”

    National ID Card is a good idea long past due.

  • June 13, 2007 at 11:28 am
    Jess says:
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    It’s the point that they are knocking down the constitution bit by bit, we are americans for our freedom and the Real ID is one of the things the federal gov’t is using to slowly wein us off of our freedom and rights.

  • June 19, 2007 at 1:39 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Yeah and after the have my “real id” and take my freedoms they are going to take my beloved tin foil hat.

  • July 9, 2007 at 5:22 am
    ela says:
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    These I.D.s will have RFID chips in them,
    the next step will be that you will have to
    have the veri chip implanted in your skin!!
    This is not necessary, most people are good
    law abiding civilians. the real reason THEY
    want people to have this is:”It is very hard
    for the average citizen to realize that, in
    his relationship with his government, he is
    little more than a cash cow for taxation,
    a breeding animal for taxpayers, and
    cannon fodder for war.” Column by Stefan
    Molyneux. This will lead to all electronic
    money also, so THEY can make sure THEY get
    every penny so called owed to THEM. Just think
    in a cashless society you couldn’t even
    have a yard sale or sell something in the

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