N.H. Governor Signs Law Rejecting ‘Unfunded’ National ID Card

By | July 2, 2007

  • July 2, 2007 at 7:25 am
    CAPJ says:
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    According to the State Net database, 2 other states (TN, NV) have adopted resolutions opposing implementation of Real
    ID; and GA has enacted legislation delaying

  • July 2, 2007 at 11:57 am
    Anon says:
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    “…reinforces what the citizens of New Hampshire have known all along _ Real ID is too intrusive, too expensive and unnecessary…”

    Why can’t we just let them leave the Union? I mean really, c’mon… what do they contribute? Maple Syrup? Granite? Presidential Primaries? (According to Wikipedia) Shoe-making?

    Too expensive? Maybe for the state with the 49th highest tax burden it is.

    Is this SERIOUSLY the “Live Free or Die” state?

    Good riddance! We could do with a few less states.

    Oh, whaaaa… it’s intrusive. Grow a pair… if you ain’t got nothing to hide, you ain’t got nothing to worry about. Social Security cards and numbers already have WAY more info about you than a National ID would. Would it be more expensive if your, now defunct, textile mills were target of terrorists? What would we wear if not for Wal*Mart imports?

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