N.Y. Reforms Credited with Shaving Workers’ Comp Rates by 20.5%

July 12, 2007

  • July 12, 2007 at 7:23 am
    DJ says:
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    I agree with you Joshua.
    It saddens me to think Gov. Spitzer is taking credit for this WC Reform because all it is is a political stunt.
    Get rid of section 240 of the labor law-then I’ll be glad to give Gov. Spitzer the credit that he is due.

  • July 12, 2007 at 2:40 am
    Joshua says:
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    If Sheldon Silver endorses it don’t drop your soap. Let’s see now……INCREASE the weekly maximum benefit to the worker by 75%? That’s nice fat number. Who came up with that? Let’s almost double their money (tax free by the way) and give it to them quicker. They mention reducing the duration but didn’t provide the specifics so it must be inconsequential. Sounds like a shell game to me. Talk about creating an incentive to have a WC claim. I’ll bet the workers particularly love the injuries subject to classification and a lifetime award. Is anyone looking at the trends for these to occur when people are approaching retirement age?

    Eliminate the second injury fund so carriers have to shoulder even more of the burden. Nice touch.

    Why doesn’t somebody address the real pariah in NY, the antiquated section 240 labor law that plagues businesses and carriers alike. NY is one of only 2 states that still have it. Why?

  • July 13, 2007 at 1:03 am
    mcheck57 says:
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    Joshua: learn your facts. The new law does away with lifetime benefits. A guy making 2000 a week can live on $500? I don’t think so.
    BTW would you prefer lawsuits vs. the WC system?

  • August 31, 2007 at 1:22 am
    cltpie28 says:
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    There is a provision in the new WC law in New York that nullifies the Other States Provision (Item 3C on a policy). NY, starting 9/9/07 is requiring that all employees in New York for any length of time for any purpose have a full New York Worker’s Compensation policy (listed on Item 3a for the policy).

    This has far reaching impacts. If your employees go to New York State for a 1 day conference, you must have a New York Worker’s Compensation Policy (or at least, have New York endorsed to the policy under Item 3a). In theory, if a worker has a layover in New York State while on business, a NY WC policy is required.

    If a claim is filed under NY, the penalties for not having this policy are stiff. Minimum fine for a firm of 5 people or less is $1,000. If a firm has 5 people or more, then the fine minimum is $5,000 and it is a Class E felony.

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