UPS Agrees to Offer Benefits to Gay Partners in N.J.

By | August 1, 2007

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:04 am
    Stu says:
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    What a country!! Benefits for everybody!!

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:08 am
    Vince A. says:
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    Re: Benefits for Everybody:

    I’ve got “Restless Leg Syndrome”, surely I must qualify for LTD………

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:17 am
    Somebody says:
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    Since we live in a country where the quality of health care depends on the ability to procure insurance, I don’t understand why you would begrudge someone trying to qualify for insurance, or why it is wrong for a private company to willingly provide it.

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:19 am
    . says:
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    It is good to see that companies like UPS are realizing that individuals should be respected. Too often, companies have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do what’s right. UPS shouldn’t wait to adopt this policy nationwide. Perhaps we actually are becoming a more civilized nation…however slowly.

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:30 am
    someone else says:
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    It doesn’t matter. UPS isn’t going to put the $$$ out fighting this nonsense because Hillary is going to make us ALL pay for it.

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:40 am
    Not a homophobic says:
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    It would appear that most negative commets are usually driven by homophobic fear.

    In a country that allows many belief’s why should anyone object to some one getting benefits for their partner? Especially if it does not come out of tax dollars and is part of their benefits available to all employees of their company.

    After 9-11 should we not ban all muslims from the U.S. ? In light of the country of Japan attacking our country prior to our entry into W.W. II should we not bar any one of Japanese origin entry into this country?

    Although many people do not like gay couples being recognized as “couple” we must not let our own views cloud the prime issue which is a person having availability to benefits that their company offers to all other employees.

    As a former union official this issue is going to get more attention as time goes on. It can not put back in the closet.

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:55 am
    KLS says:
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    Hillary’s health care ideas worry me a little. But I’ve read about her interest in bipartisan cooperation and I wonder if the initially proposed reform during her husband’s administration has been updated to reflect something more moderate…

  • August 1, 2007 at 4:18 am
    concerned agent says:
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    you should be VERY concerned about Hillarybabes health insurance ideas. An article in a Toronto newspaper said that
    pregnant Canadian women with pregnancy problems are coming to the United States for treatment and C-sections because the wait for Canadian social medicine has too long a wait and is inadequate. Canadian socialized medicine is the model all liberals look to to justify their cry for cradle to grave care. We better look closely at their system because, like Communism, it is doomed to failure. There is no free lunch!!!

  • August 2, 2007 at 10:12 am
    Realist says:
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    Socialized medicine does not work. It doesn’t work anywhere else and it will not work here.

    Our whole economy is based off individual drive and motivation. If everyone can get the same health care at no cost that reduces the drive and motivation.

    As a doctor, if every doctor gets paid the same and there is no way to make more money, where is his/her motivation and drive to be the best possible doctor? (Not only in treatment, but bedside manner, attention, and focus?)

    If we take away people’s need to compete we also take away their drive, ambition, and motivation to be the best (why work hard to be the best if it is no different from being the true average?)

    When capitalism is replaced by government socialism our whole economy collapse.

    If you would like proof… go to several different free clinics. See how you get treated (and these doctors are doing it out of the kindness of their heart, their sense of humility and public duty, not because they are FORCED TO by an over-reaching governmental authority.)

    In case you have yet to realize this, the private sector is consistently better, faster, cheaper, more reliable, less wasteful and less corrupt then any governmental entity.

    As far as this story is concerned… this was a business decision, not an insurance one, not a “gay rights” one, but pure all american capitalist business. (See, making money and doing what is right by the people are inseparably intertwined in our society (need proof, think of the big businesses that did us an egregious wrong, now look at their earning this year, if they’re still in business.)

    Striving to be the best, to stay afloat, to survive, that is what makes this country a great one. If we loose that, we loose everything.

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