Maine Court Rules Employer May Offset Workers Comp by Disability Sum

By | August 10, 2007

  • August 10, 2007 at 11:39 am
    Incredulous says:
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    It appears the Work Comp litigation has been ongoing since 2005. I’d love to know how much of this individual’s original $58,000 was wasted trying to double dip.

    I’m sure she realized she wasn’t dead when she recieved original benefit, so if it wasn’t a death benefit (which she would not have received anyway!), what did she think it was?? Which of the following words did she not get… “Permanent & Total Disability Feature”?? If she couldn’t comprehend four simple words, she was evidently overpaid. I’m sure she didn’t question it then… so why later? Because the funds ran out.

    The company has the right to offset this payment.

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