Fredenberg Rejoins Safeco in Northeast

October 16, 2007

  • October 16, 2007 at 2:17 am
    Dennis says:
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    As a Safeco alum, I can’t believe they took this bimbo back. She left for what she thought was a better opportunity and now she’s back another “better opportunity”. Is the national applicant pool that sparse they had to take a re-tread? This isn’t the Safeco I know and love.

  • October 16, 2007 at 2:55 am
    Jen Fredenburg Supporter says:
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    Sounds like someone has a little bit of a grudge towards Safeco…being a prestigious “alum,” hopefully the company had the smarts to fire someone as bigoted as yourself. Safeco made a huge mistake when they lost Fredenburg, and Hanover is now experiencing the same pangs. You might want to bite your tongue (as hard as possible) next time you make a biased comment that has no truth to it.

  • October 17, 2007 at 5:48 am
    Class of '81 says:
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    As another Safeco alum, what I see is that Paula is hiring another high priced vp while at the same time outsourcing jobs to India. Aside from this and Jens very real talents, what Safeco needs is to go back to a time when they wrote the best accounts for the best agents and backed it up with quality claims service.
    Underwriting and claims have both suffered greatly since the McGavick years and Paula has done little but posture for the analysts.

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