Conn. Trial Lawyers Say Medical Liability Insurer is Overcharging Doctors

November 9, 2007

  • November 9, 2007 at 1:13 am
    Michael B. Driscoll says:
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    As usual the Trial Lawyers come the rescue! Altruistic to the end!

    CMIC is a MUTUAL Company! The “excess profits” are shared by the company OWNERS who are the POLICY HOLDERS who are the PHYSICIANS. If the company is making excess profits, they by law have to be returned it to the policy holders.

    CMIC is rated B+ because of their financial strenght. To achieve an A rating they need to build up their financials. Until CMIC achieves and A rating, they bare doing what is best for the stability of the company.

    Trial Lawyers are so concerned for physicians that they sue them and take 40% of the judgement from the plaintiff.

    Just another attempt by plaintiff’s attornies to redirect the blame for the cost of malpractice insurance. When one attorney sues two eat.

    Do not try to get legislative relief – the legislature is made up of lawyers! Their turf” is protected by the the legislature and no “reform” will ever pass that controls the lawyers.

  • November 9, 2007 at 3:16 am
    Dread says:
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    These parasites should mind their own business. Malpractice insurance is hardly one of their areas of expertise.

  • November 9, 2007 at 3:50 am
    KOB says:
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    Is there any way for me to check pltf -oriented firms and determine if they are over-profiting on the back injuries of their clients?

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