No Strike for NYC Office Building Cleaners

By | December 31, 2007

  • January 2, 2008 at 7:57 am
    Dread says:
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    An average salary of $44,000 plus a full benefits package is more than fair for these un-educated, un-skilled, workers who perform essential, but menial tasks. I worked for an MGA that insured many of the “high end” residentials buildings in NYC and also handled their WC. I can tell you firsthand, these people are far from over-worked. Exactly how much is worth for someone to open a door for you or press an elevator button or hail a cab? In most places, people aren’t that lazy to require assistance with basic tasks. This is another case of publicly subsidized welfare. These workers organized and told the residents, “we’re here, we want this amount of money, and you’d better pay us.” Here’ some advice for them. Get an education, learn to speak English, and earn a decent paying job.

  • January 2, 2008 at 8:19 am
    Anonymous says:
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    I have to agree. Just be grateful you have SOMETHING to do. Better yet, get robots and/or automated greeters to do the job. What are businesses trying to avoid? I’ll take out my own trash, hail my own cab thank you. Then we’ll see an end to these tedious types of strikes. If cashier don’t watch it, these sometimes irritating seld service check-outs will have them out of job too if they decide to strike in NY again.

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