N.H. Fixes Workers’ Compensation Law for Contractors

January 3, 2008

  • January 3, 2008 at 2:17 am
    NH says:
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    It might be said that it was the public outcry that prompted the fast action but it was actually the issue of the state having difficutly finding people to plow because the state did not want to pay the higher rate for services because the contractors would have had to pass the WC charge onto the state. Double standard???

  • January 3, 2008 at 3:16 am
    J Dunlap says:
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    I am pleased to see the repeal of the HB471 ruling. Although I do feel there is a need for regulating who is covered and who is finding a loophole not to cover their employees, asking a small business owner to pay for coverage for himself is not the way to prevent carpenters not covering their help because they bring their own hammer to the job and saying that classifies them as subs. After chatting with a WC auditor I would suggest a portion of our WC insurance be spent to hire more auditors that would do nothing more than visit job sites to see just how many infractions are taking place.

    We are honest, hard-working small business owners who have been fully insured since we started. It is difficult to survive with the rising costs of operating a business and very frustrating to see fellow business owners cheating to save a buck. When one of their “subs” gets injured and tries to collect WC, they find they have never been covered and have been defined as subs.

    Gov Lynch, poll the small business owners that, like us, pay our way — get their input on ways to avoid this practice. Don’t punish those of us who try to make an honest living by making it impossible to do so with all these new ideas that just add to our already overburdened expenses. Thank you for your time.

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