Pennsylvania Nuke Plant Makes $27.5M Settlement with Neighbors

March 20, 2008

  • March 20, 2008 at 3:06 am
    Tim says:
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    This makes me sick. You will all die of something! Why do you have to try to bankrupt a corporation just so you can get rich!

  • March 20, 2008 at 5:22 am
    The American Way says:
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    Cause that’s the American way. Try to pick the deepest pockets. I would like to know if the plant was there first. Hey, maybe they could sue the developers, too!

  • March 21, 2008 at 8:35 am
    Anon says:
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    Seriously… normally I’d agree about frivilous PI lawsuits but not here (especially not with your argument).

    The Feds approved $150,000 for employees who developed cancer after working in the factory. I don’t know where you come from but a single $150,000 payment isn’t rich especially after you consider the costs associated with cancer treatment.

    This suit is going to payout $100,000 to residents with similar cancers. If $150,000 isn’t rich, neither is this settlement. Ever have to pay for cancer treatment? It ain’t cheap.

    Who’s getting rich? The people dieing? The people losing loved ones? The ones suffering on chemo for the rest of their lives? The ones who’s had to sell everything they’ve had to try to hold onto some kind of life?

    No, the trial attorneys are cashing in on another group’s suffering.

    Suits because a toaster did not say you should not use it in a bathtub are rediculous and make me sick. Awards of millions of dollars to an individual for a burnt thigh from fast food coffee make me sick. A small (considering the size of the plaintiff pool) settlement to try to offset some of the costs and suffering people have lived with through nothing more than a geographic choice is completely warranted and appropriate.

  • March 21, 2008 at 2:22 am
    johnny says:
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    Agreed. This is a typical bogus and B.S. lawsuit with lazy idiots screaming for free money. No personal responsibility or accountability here. Just sickening.

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