New York Jury Awards $17.5M to Former Rochester Patient

May 29, 2008

  • May 29, 2008 at 2:33 am
    Dread says:
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    The hospital would have been better off refusing to accept this woman as a patient. Her kidney and pancreas transplant in ’95 made her high risk not for injury to herself, but in liability to the hospital. I’m sure the transplant re-routed a few lines in her abdomen and that’s not something every hospital encounters frequently. Stong Memorial is a reputable facility. Even under the best circumstances, things happen during surgery. That doesn’t always equate to malpractice. This verdict is excessive by any standard.

  • May 29, 2008 at 3:13 am
    Mongoose says:
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    The problem isn’t with the veridct but with a surgeon who did not see what he or she severed. ANY surgeon must carefully inspect a patient of any unexpected damage prior to closing.

    Having had many surgies this is S.O.P. for any surgeon.

    If the doctor wasn’t familair with handling a transplant patient then they should refered her to a qualified doctor that specializes in high-risk pregnancy.

    The award may high but the verdict was just.

    I do serve on the panel of a major insurance company as a mock juror. I was asked to do this since I am friendly with a senior officer of their claims division and have had several different operations including one that really goofed up.

  • May 29, 2008 at 3:49 am
    johnny says:
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    Stupid, bad and dumb verdict. I agree Dread but then the woman would have still sued the hospital for some ridiculous form of discrimination (pregnancy, ADA, etc) and would have got a boatload of cash. How do business still open with pigs like this woman and others constantly suing (and winning) for bogus crap. Stop the insanity!!

  • May 29, 2008 at 4:57 am
    KOB says:
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    It will be interesting to find out how much the Plaintiff tabled as her past and future medical costs, and her expected life expectancy. I would suspect that she was not a model of good health, prior to the surgery, as she had a prior kidney and pancreas transplant. Why can’t she get another transplant. Is it surgically possible? What impact does the loss of a pancreas have on someone’s daily life, except that they have to wear an insulin pump? I wonder if they found the doctor guilty of gross negligence or simple negligence? I sure hope that she told the doctor and the hospital “Thank you” for delivering a healthy baby girl, eventhough I had a high-risk pregnancy.

  • May 29, 2008 at 5:36 am
    Interesting says:
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    Wow, Johnny! She’s a pig? Severing the the connection between her pancreas and bladder is bogus crap? Do you know anything about the appropriate standard of care in this case? Or have your emotions just gotten the better of you?

  • May 30, 2008 at 10:26 am
    Nick Tahou says:
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    She would have been better off if she came to me.

  • May 30, 2008 at 1:54 am
    lastbat says:
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    I’m not sure as to the amount on this one, but without knowing more it does seem an appropriate verdict. I just question the dollar figure.

  • May 30, 2008 at 2:10 am
    Umpire says:
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    Youre not sure about the amount??

    Its listed in the article!!

    17.5 mill

  • May 30, 2008 at 2:17 am
    lastbat says:
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    I set myself up with a straight line! I can’t believe I did that.

    It must be Friday. That was a good one Umpire and I definitely deserved it. I’m still laughing.

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