N.Y. Court Denies Undocumented Alien Added Workers’ Comp

July 1, 2008

  • July 1, 2008 at 10:18 am
    lastbat says:
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    They healed the worker and that’s good. From there I agree with the judge’s reasoning that you can’t get somebody back to re-employability if they were never legally employable in the first place. This is one area it would be easy to crack down on to help control the flow of illegal workers.

    I hope they went after the employer for employing illegals.

  • July 1, 2008 at 1:15 am
    CJ says:
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    I agree. Unfortunately, if we continue to pay any kind of benefits, we encourage the workers to work in the US and the employers to hire them. I have sympathy for the injured worker, but if they don’t enter the US legally, why should they even receive WC medical and disability benefits? If the employer is going to hire illegals, they should foot the bill for all injuries!

  • July 1, 2008 at 1:19 am
    M says:
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    They are ILLEGAL Aliens – not “Undocumented” Aliens/workers. Why are we as a society putting a spin on things to people in our County – ILLEGALLY – not being such a bad thing. They are getting some of OUR benefits as citizens and we as the Tax payers are footing the bill for it. Little by little the government allows them more and more. When will it be enough??

    I believe all people are created equal – this isn’t a nationality thing or color thing. It just bothers me that Our Country is in the beginning of a recession, the US Dollar has gone down the tubes, gas prices keep rising and I am struggling to meet the bills every month. Cut my taxes so more of the money I work so VERY hard for, legally, goes into my pocket to put food on the table.

    Same goes for the Welfare system, etc. Put time limits on things so that people can’t milk the system for years & years. Make the illegals either go home or go through the system to become legal. I know may people, of different ethnic backgrounds, and it makes them so proud to saye they are American. They did it legally.

    Sorry for the long post – this is just one of the things that gets under my skin.

  • July 1, 2008 at 1:32 am
    lastbat says:
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    CJ, you had a great idea – we should make the employer foot the entire bill. And that in addition to whatever fines and penalties are levied for employing an illegal worker. The more onerous we make it to employee illegals the fewer will be employed.

  • July 1, 2008 at 3:16 am
    Lotus Blossum says:
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    Is this an ignorant suggestion?…The WC comp law needs to be changed to exclude coverage for all illegal workers. If this were the case and a firm hires illegals who are injured on the job, the employers expose themselves to a potentally devastating lawsuit. This in & of itself would serve as a deterrent to hiring illegals, as they could lose their business & possibly their personal assets.

  • July 1, 2008 at 5:03 am
    AZInsMan says:
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    I agree with NO benefits which exposes employer to legal action. Employ the illegals if you want but do not whine when the “system” does not fund their injury. If some ambulance chaser lawyer wants to represent on contingency, bankrupt your corp so he does not get paid either. THEN, maybe these illegals will go back and FIX their country in lieu of coming up here and *****ing about our country?? Look at the mess they left and yet they have the guts to tell us they DESERVE rights in MY country?

    Get the hell out of here. (after you finish my lawn and clean my house)

  • July 2, 2008 at 3:25 am
    Hank says:
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    Why should somebody who is in this country illegally even be allowed to sue their employer, or anybody for that matter?

  • October 13, 2008 at 6:54 am
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    We are allowing the government to frame the immigration problem for us. We must consider that in some cases, such as here, the government is not acting in our own individual best interest.
    Thus, the term “illegal” associated with “alien” or “immigrant” is one of the government’s invention.

    What we as individuals must do is look at the problem from our own perspective. It is my understanding that this has not been done very often and has not been heralded very effectively.

    The reality is that foreign nationals are in every recognized nation worldwide, creating a nearly fully integrated polyglot. To somehow require all these people to get their “papers in order” with respect to the local laws of each country is crazy.

    There has to be a better, more accommodating, and global solution. Like a national identity card that is accepted worldwide. This different than a passport and should be a smart card with various data on it relevant to the bearer and the country he or she hails from.

    Take a look at the end-to-end treatment of the immigration problem that has been prepared by Trigon-International, Inc. This is actionable, affordable, and feasible and more aptly it addresses the problem in situ meaning that the fix goes in without having to reset the pieces on the game board.

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