New Baltimore Fire Response Policy Runs Hot, Warm and Cold

July 2, 2008

  • July 2, 2008 at 4:29 am
    wudchuck says:
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    it was initially a warm fire turned hot i guess! i like the idea of how to respond. sorry about the loss of life. but you know, how many folks don’t move until that vehicle is directly on their tail? i remember being told as soon as you hear – you look for it, as soon as you see – you move out of the way. *** another good reason for not using a cell phone while driving ***

  • July 3, 2008 at 10:27 am
    Cam says:
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    Not really sure I like this. As a volunteer firefighter in a town where we don’t get many “real” calls, I can understand the idea of not flying through town for a non-emergency, but you’d be amazed at how many people completely disregard a fire engine when it is coming through. But the first time they use the “cold” alert and it turns into something serious on the way there, the public will be up in arms. A pot burning on the stove can quickly become a fully involved kitchen fire if not dealt with correctly and promtly.

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