Engineers: New Jersey Entertainment Complex Site Is Contaminated

January 16, 2009

  • January 16, 2009 at 12:37 pm
    Deepthroat says:
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    My guess, they do not want to find Jimmy Hoffa’s body, so they’ll wait until after all the concrete is dry at Xandu; then fix the ‘problem’ with polluted, cancer causing water table. Govs Corzine and his 4 predecessors, Cody, DiFrancesco, McGreevy, Whitmam, should all be in jail!

  • January 16, 2009 at 1:48 am
    Summerdog says:
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    Given the area this complex is being built in it seems to me the site developers did not follow PM 101…..conduct a full environmental impact assessment and test the soil. The project finance company should have ordered the borrower to conduct at least a Phase 1 also. Lots of balls being dropped here. Seems silly to me to do this after the fact.

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