New York: Insurers Did Not Steer Customers to Certain Body Shops

January 22, 2009

  • January 22, 2009 at 2:36 am
    bob says:
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    This is a regressive law that while on it’s face looks like it is protecting the insurance consumer, in actuality is costing the public more money by not allowing the insurance companies to suggest they go to the shop that saves the most on the claims payments. Prime case of Big Brother knowing better than the free enterprise system (it thinks).

  • January 22, 2009 at 3:28 am
    HanValen says:
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    Wow, how short-sighted of you.

    Although insurance companies may be paying more with respect to claims and passing that along to the customer, why don’t we follow the althernate path a little further down the road.

    If insurance companies could direct people towards specific shops, for said lower price, then shops without insurance contracts would go out of business, or be forced to reduce staff/raise their prices in order to stay in business. Although there could be an argument that the lasting shops would have to increase their staffs, consolidation of this manner never nets the same level of employment.

    This of course would have *no* impact to the public at all by increasing unemployment or the cost to do repair work at all.
    Then once insurance companies had no other shops to choose from for their contracts, the shops wouldn’t begin raising their rates to the insurance companies because they effectivly had a monopoly.. these things wouldn’t happen without the Big Brother protecting the free market.
    *oh, the last couple of paragraphs contained sarcasm… I don’t want to confuse anyone.*

  • January 22, 2009 at 3:46 am
    Driver says:
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    Wasn’t the best stearing to a body shop done by Spitzer?? Just wondering.

  • January 23, 2009 at 4:08 am
    Truxton says:
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    Body shops are masters at getting over on insurance companies, preferred shops or not. The one that i see all the time is the shop who charges for parts they never put on. Its excused as an over site, LOL.

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