New York Republicans Demand Probe into AIG Campaign Donation

By | March 23, 2009

  • March 23, 2009 at 12:41 pm
    Paulbdz says:
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    While they are at it, they should investigate all of the campaign contributions received by Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank who are supposes to have oversight over companies like AIG.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:52 am
    Bean Counter says:
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    Now let’s not forget the hot receiver Senator Obama. I believe the amount that AIG contributed to his campaign over the past year was around $120,000. I am not sure of the exact number but it did excede $100,000.

    He screams with the poeple when they get upset so he loks as though he is siding with the majority and then he finds a reason why he had to do what he did. The bouses were contractually mandated so he couldn’t do anything about it.

  • March 23, 2009 at 3:15 am
    bilaterally disgusted says:
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    come on, folks – these contributions were made BEFORE the election, when a certain idiot Republican was still in office and in charge of handouts. Dems are no better, but seem to at least lack the Republican penchant for selective memory, making every evil in the nation the direct result of their pet creeping liberal godless conspiracy. Some have actually started to say – with a completely straight face – that the tanking of the US economy is the exclusive work of the Obama administration (or that Bush fought a brave but doomed 8-year holding action against the Clinton economic meltdown – take your pick). Life must be nice over in Bizarro World – except for all the radios blaring Limbaugh all day long…

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