New Jersey Poll: More Confess to Texting while Driving

July 17, 2009

  • July 17, 2009 at 1:39 am
    Hel-l-l-o Ball says:
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    “Texting” while driving….-could even be WORSE than DUI..-at least the drunk has his eyes (cockeyes) on the road. The point here is how BAD a practice, how DANGEROUS it is. And, it truly is. A law enforcement officer might ticket you for not having your seatbelt on.-But how in hell are we supposed to enforce a law against someone texting ?
    How can they be seen texting? Pretty near impossible & if a cop could get a look-see, the driver would simply drop the unit & deny it.
    Again, friends this is a VERY DANDEROUIS practice.
    Alert everyone not to do this

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